Teller Report

Crimes of Turkish aggression .. Field executions of civilians in Syria

10/12/2019, 7:58:11 PM

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Syrian fighters loyal to Ankara executed nine civilians by firing squad in areas where they had advanced as part of the Turkish aggression in northeastern Syria.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Syrian fighters loyal to Ankara executed nine civilians by firing squad in areas where they advanced as part of the Turkish aggression in northeast Syria.

The director of the observatory Rami Abdul Rahman said that "the nine civilians were executed in batches to the south of the border town of Tal Abyad" in the northern countryside of Raqqa, pointing out that the head of a local Kurdish party.

The Syrian Democratic Council, the political arm of the Syrian Democratic Forces, said that after the car of the party official was targeted, "she was executed with the driver of the car."

Social media activists carried two videos, the first showing two plain-clothed people lying on the ground while a fighter next to them said they had been captured by the Free Eastern Rally faction as Kurdish fighters.

In the second video, one of the fighters appears to be firing heavily at someone in civilian clothes, shouting "My Pictures."

The faction of the "Ahrar al-Sharqiya group" published the first video on its Twitter page, without mentioning the executions.

These executions are part of a number of violations by Turkey against civilians in northern Syria.

Last Wednesday, Ankara began a massive aggression against the SDF's control areas in northeastern Syria.

It is noteworthy that the Fourth Geneva Convention, which was signed by 196 countries in August 1949, protects civilians in time of war, and prohibits the sentencing of them or executions against them.

Some 200,000 civilians fled the targeted areas with their luggage in cars, trucks and tricycles, while others fled on foot.

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