Teller Report

Be careful .. Beauty products are advised not to share with others

10/12/2019, 10:52:17 PM

Be sure to sterilize your beauty tools and products regularly, and replace them as needed, in order to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria for your own safety.

Not only that, but you should avoid sharing other cosmetic products, to prevent the transmission of germs and bacteria.

Find out the list of cosmetics that you should not share with others, in a report by Maggie Surfer published in the magazine Real Simple.

If you have to allow someone else to use your nail clipper, it should be deepened (German)

1- Nail scissors
When trimming nails, the pruner touches the area below your finger, making it vulnerable to harmful bacteria and fungal spores. If you have to allow someone else to use your nail clipper, you should deepen it with alcohol or nail polish remover, as well as antibacterial soap before and after use. It is important to sterilize this tool after each use.

2 - hair tweezers
Tweezers can represent a ground for attracting bacteria and other germs; due to their proximity to the skin, cosmetics that are prone to germs. But the real problem is that the tweezers come into contact with open wounds, especially when trying to remove hair from under the skin.

Be careful to share razor blades as they pick up skin cells and bacteria on the skin surface (communication media)

3- Razor blade
Be careful to share razor blades, as these blades not only get rid of hair, they also pick up skin cells and bacteria on the skin surface, as well as dirt. Shaving usually leaves wounds, making the blade vulnerable to rot, infection or blood-borne diseases.

If you need to use someone else's razor, be sure to replace the top of the blade before and after use.

4 - fiber bath
Cosmetic professionals and dermatologists recommend not to use fiber, as it is a fertile ground for mold and bacteria, and it is better to use hands because it is cleaner.

However, if you are determined to use fiber, make sure it is for your own use only, as sharing it with others contributes significantly to the transmission of both microscopic and transmitted germs.

5- Soap
Soap is an ideal place for breeding bacteria that remain present with each use. Therefore, it should be avoided for more than one person. If you want to share body lotion, that's fine.

6. Towels
Used towels should not be shared. If you need to use a towel from someone, you should wash it before and after use.

Eye is more susceptible to bacterial infections than skin, so be careful to share kohl and eye shadow (contact sites)

7 - mascara and eye makeup
Usually we do not care when using a special mascara for another colleague, but it is worth rethinking, because the eye is more susceptible to bacterial infection compared to the skin, as is the case with kohl and eye shadow.

8- Makeup Brush
Makeup brushes need to be cleaned from time to time, as they easily transfer germs and bacteria to the skin, which can cause or worsen acne, as well as other bacterial problems.

9 - red and lip balm
Cosmetic products that come into contact with the mouth make the transmission of viral, bacterial and fungal infections easier, as many diseases such as colds and flu spread through saliva and mucus.

Sharing lip care products leads to the transmission of viruses, such as the herpes virus that causes cold sores.

10- Canned products
Packaged products, such as lip gloss, wrinkle remover and blush, should not be shared because you do not know what germs can hide. Therefore, be careful not to share them.

The toothbrush leads to the transfer of mouth germs from person to person by toothpaste (German)

11 - brush and toothpaste
The mouth is home to hundreds of bacteria, so avoid sharing toothbrushes and toothpaste.

12 - Deodorant
Deodorant contains many germs due to bacteria in the sweat. So, don't allow anyone to use your deodorant, and don't mind using a deodorant spray.