Teller Report

Trump: Saudi Arabia will pay us to send our troops to help

10/11/2019, 11:16:15 PM

US President Donald Trump has revealed that Saudi Arabia has agreed to pay the United States for sending US troops to the region, following attacks on Aramco oil facilities.

Trump told reporters that sending any troops to the Middle East should be contingent on a fee.

"We are sending soldiers and other things to the Middle East to help Saudi Arabia, but are you ready? My request from Saudi Arabia to agree to pay us for everything we do. This is first, Saudi Arabia and other countries. Now Saudi Arabia has agreed to pay us," Bush said. For everything we do, we like this. "

The US Defense Secretary Mark Esper has indicated his country's intention to send 3,000 additional US troops to Saudi Arabia at the request of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milli, Esper said he spoke with bin Salman, who asked him for additional help in bringing security to the region.

He urged allies, especially in Europe, to join Washington in efforts to defend the region.

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American interests
For his part, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the goal of the deployment of additional troops in Saudi Arabia is "to protect our interests in the region and deter Iran."

US reinforcements, in addition to soldiers, include two fighter squadrons, two Patriot batteries, and a THAD defense system, according to the Pentagon.

The ministry said that the number of troops in the region was increased by about 14 thousand in the framework of investment in regional security.

At the end of September, the United States announced the deployment of 200 troops to Saudi Arabia, the first such deployment since the withdrawal of US forces in 2003.

On September 14, two Saudi Aramco oil facilities were attacked by the Houthis, but the United States has blamed Iran for the attacks, which have shaken prices in oil markets, after halving the company's products before halting them. The authorities declare the production returned to normal.

On Friday, an Iranian oil tanker was hit by two suspected missile strikes off the coast of Saudi Arabia, according to its owner, in the first targeting of an Islamic Republic vessel since the Aramco attacks.