Teller Report

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the "visa arbitrariness" of Estonia

10/11/2019, 6:34:09 PM

At the Russian Foreign Ministry, Estonia’s refusal to enter four activists of the Young Guard of United Russia was called an unfriendly action, noting that such actions would not go unanswered.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, members of the organization were included in the list of persons who for ten years have been prohibited from entering the territory of the republic.

“We believe that the denial of entry to the Schengen zone to activists of the Russian NGOs is another unfriendly act of visa arbitrariness, to which Estonia regularly resorts to disagreeable representatives of civil society, as well as historians and journalists from Russia,” the statement said.

It is noted that the actions of the Estonian authorities will not be left “unanswered”.

The diplomatic mission also called on the specialized human rights structures of the UN, OSCE and the Council of Europe to pay “the closest attention” to the incident.

Earlier, Russian journalist Yulia Yuzik, detained in Tehran due to visa problems, returned to Moscow.

On October 9, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper, said that Russia would be “strict, perhaps even tougher on visa requests” from the United States after the American side did not issue a visa to a portion of the Russian delegation assembled at the UN General Assembly.

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