Teller Report

Ithraa offers free reinforcement classes for public school students

10/11/2019, 10:09:04 PM

The Department of Education and Knowledge in Abu Dhabi has launched “Ithraa” programs to support students of public schools and provide them with critical thinking and analysis skills through after-school courses in mathematics, Arabic, English, technology and culture.

Abu Dhabi Education and Knowledge Department (ADEK) has launched “Ithraa” programs to support students of public schools and provide them with critical thinking and analytical skills through after-school courses in mathematics, Arabic, English and technology, as well as culture. The number of public schools that have been transformed into US curriculum partnerships has reached 13, offering a new and differentiated educational choice that embraces the future and makes highly qualified students able to meet future challenges. To announce the circle ».

In addition, the Department stated that the “Enrichment Programs” is an educational initiative based on extra-curricular activities aimed at enhancing the level of students in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics and equipping them with the necessary skills to meet the challenges. The courses are conducted in nine government and partnership schools in Abu Dhabi, Dhafra and Al Ain, four days a week (two days for students and two days for female students). During the current school year, 12 government schools were transformed into partnership schools run by private educational companies to apply the American curriculum to students. The number of partnership schools reached 13 schools. The department stressed that the project aims to help students achieve their potential by using innovative practices that hone their skills. Preparing them for the future to become active citizens and responsible, stressing that the project of educational partnership schools, serves the core objectives of the education system in the Emirate and creates a third education system has been implemented successfully in other countries.

She pointed out that the project aims to assign the responsibility of educational and administrative supervision on a selected sample of kindergarten schools, and the first cycle in the Emirate «the first phase of the project» to a number of pioneers of education in the private sector in Abu Dhabi, according to contractual terms signed with them.

Partnership schools provide a comprehensive learning model that provides tools for students and teachers to help them hone their skills in innovation and problem solving, which prepares students to be leaders of the future, able to compete globally, she said, pointing out that the first phase of the project provided 15 thousand seats For the kindergarten stage and the first cycle, the opening of the higher grades will be followed according to the students' educational progress from one class to another.

Student Enrichment Committee Chairman Sanad Ahmed said in a press statement that student enrichment programs aim to ensure that science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics courses are taught in Abu Dhabi in line with the highest standards, through a series of courses and activities in an interactive environment that enhances students' skills and interests. He pointed out that the annual program to enrich and include competitions and learning trips, will contribute in providing students with the necessary capabilities and academic skills that qualify them to meet the need of the labor market in the future. He stressed that the programs of enriching students are in line with Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 and seek to achieve them by focusing on topics of great cultural importance, such as Arabic language and poetry, and technical requirements of the 21st century such as artificial intelligence. These programs aim to diversify students' skills and enhance their academic performance in a fun and effective learning environment.

Link the registration to the housing domain

The Department of Education and Knowledge has confirmed that the Partnership Schools project serves national and similar students within the residential area of ​​the school concerned, so that students enrolled in partnership schools for the academic year without the need to re-enroll, while the new registration will follow the registration mechanism currently adopted in schools Government.


Schools offer programs

Enrich all students.