Teller Report

Hard to live up to legal requirements when the school gets too little money

10/11/2019, 5:46:14 PM

Many municipalities in the county make savings in compulsory school. Åsele is struggling with the economy and at the same time has great needs in student health and needs student assistants. - The situation is very tough, it is difficult to live up to all legal requirements and yet we must continue to save, says Åseles head of school Yvonne Nordlander.

A majority of the municipalities in Västerbotten have made savings in compulsory school this year and will continue next year. This shows a survey conducted by Sweden Radio throughout the country.

Great needs in Åsele

SVT has called three municipalities in the county and in Åsele the needs are great.

-We have major needs in student health, need student assistants, want to strengthen within the leadership function and it is difficult to live up to all legal requirements, says Åseles head of school Yvonne Nordlander.

In official letters to the local council, increased staffing has been requested with more student assistants being lifted as well as the need to establish a so-called preparation class. But in both cases, the local council has refused to extend the school's framework because of the financial situation.

- You think about the budget, but we also have many legal requirements that we should try to live up to, says Yvonne Nordlander.

15 million in three years

For three years in Vännäs, SEK 15 million will be found somewhere in the elementary school.

"There will be no layoffs, and this first year we have managed to find ways to save on staff without excessive effects, but it is clear that the consequences will be greater for every year that we have to save," says Tomas Åström, head of school in Vännäs.

Malå hopes to avoid pulling down

Malå has not responded to Swedish Radio's survey but has made savings this year.

- Here you have probably by this time gone through the steel bath and start to see the light in the tunnel, comments new newly admitted child and education manager Erik Lindblom, who hopes and believes that Malå should not have to cut down on business next year.