Teller Report

GH VIP and the worst of betrayals: "It's a rat"

10/11/2019, 5:49:08 AM

The truth is the soul of the honest, the lie, that of the cowards, the betrayal of the miserable. I can say it louder, but not clearer. What was lived last night in the ga

  • GH VIP.The shameful montage of Estela and Kiko Jiménez
  • Television.GH VIP and Jorge Javier Vázquez burst again
  • Telecinco.GH VIP and his vileness: "Now I'm going to fuck you"

The truth is the soul of the honest, the lie, that of the cowards, the betrayal of the miserable . I can say it louder, but not clearer. What was lived last night at the GH VIP gala was the conclave of the traitors, a Bonfire of the vanities turned into a bonfire of the traitors, the coven of the felons .

It is surprising the lack of scruples that people can have, able to sell even their father for a reality, for a briefcase or simply to find alliances. I, a fan declared to the core of Game of Thrones , have to say that he wants a Lannister in his life to go up to Guadalix de la Sierra , right Mila Ximénez ?, right Kiko Jiménez?

I will start with the second, since he was the protagonist of the night, of the week and almost, almost, almost everything GH VIP 7 since Hugo Castejón was expelled - partly thanks to him too. It is Kiko Jiménez and I will only say the phrase that Jorge Javier Vázquez gave him last night after knowing that he had been expelled by the audience in his duel with Master Joao : "You have been gold for this contest. Gold, gold and gold." Yes, from which the Moor shit - oh, these grandmother sayings.

That Kiko Jiménez has been the perfect contestant for a coñazo edition where there are them, without a doubt .. That Kiko Jiménez has given game, has delivered, sold, bought, played and lost, too. But everything that can be applauded as a contestant must be forgotten as a person .

He has been the greatest traitor of this edition and probably many - with permission from Mila Ximénez -. He has nailed the daggers he has needed and has sold his soul to the highest bidder and everything, for what? To end up outside the house? Oh, he knows as well as we do that the best is yet to come and last night he and his ex or not ex, I know, Sofia Suescun , have already opened the melon that has been ripening in the sun for weeks.

He betrayed Mila Ximénez first and then more would come. It is true that she was neither her friend, nor her mother, nor anything at all. For her he was an untouchable , for him she was shit punctured on a stick. He betrayed her by selling a motorcycle that not even a hippy would want to buy, the motorcycle that he wanted to save Irene Junquera because she was more necessary in the house and that like the other nominees were two forts, Dinio and Adara, because one had to get on one strong, to Mila Ximénez.

The truth was very different. I think that in these two weeks since that nomination and that discovery that turned the house upside down, Kiko Jiménez will have crossed half a word with Irene Junquera. Where was last week when Alba Carrillo almost gut Irene Junquera?

Of course, Mila, who doesn't have a dumb hair, hunted her quickly. He guessed that what his "untouchable" wanted to do was to end her, end the strong rival no matter what it cost. There were no friends, no protections, no Christ who founded it. It was war and war, as in most of them, began with treason . From that moment and so much that we complained about the bad coexistence that Hugo Castejón caused, the house was a powder magazine.

Kiko and Mila, a machete; Kiko and Estela , starting a pinion; Adara and Mila, friends forever, means you'll always be my friend ; the rest, all against Adara; Mila, to his own, for Kiko and well attached to Adara, until ... until he was saved from expulsion, Dinio went home and then the shepherd returned with his sheep. But this is another story. Kiko then remained more alone than the one, nominated, separated by his companions who saw in him the greatest of traitors. Kiko didn't care, because Kiko already had a new game, her name Estela, the wife of Diego Matamoros .

It was Mila Ximenez who put the melon in the sun that a few (happy all four) had planted. Estela and Kiko's friendship, totally inseparable, all day together, with those looks, those hot flashes, those I need you, those I love you, you could be seeing each other outside, I could be hurting the people who were in the outside and gave rise to many other things. Well, if I gave foot for many other things! The first, to tour the sets of Telecinco. I believe that once you enter Telecinco and ride a cisco, they give you a card that entitles you to not know how many visits as long as you come to your lies. And what a mess!

Sofia Suescun's role

The husband of one, saying that he did not want to hear from her again, that he was leaving the sets, that he was no longer going to defend her, that he was destroyed, confused ... The other's girlfriend playing the role of his life - for him moment- trying to defend the indefensible for suddenly, a good Tuesday night and after the image of the touch of a chest, burst and put on a show of those that make Mediaset crazy .

There was soap opera for a while and the second act was going to live with the rise last night of Sofia Suescun to the house. God, how does this girl control television! She really is pure orito. Not even the sole of the shoes comes the above. He knows what to give, when to give it, how to give it and that the audience wants more and more . She is a television monster. Their meeting, which could have been perfectly on set, was in the house, in the expulsion room, in a kind of improvised Sálvamez . How good this is given to Telecinco!

The two in the little chair, the two seeing the images of one fooling around with Estela, giving affection, crazy for their bones, while it was Sofia Suescun did the same, what had come, to play and make the role of his life. Yes, yes, she seemed pissed off, angry and on the verge of the final break. It lasted half a second. It took what Kiko Jiménez took to betray Estela, to whom she had been all her support in the house, to which she had taken care of everything and everyone, to whom she had given herself body and soul. Wait for me to trunk. It took what a candy lasts at the door of a school to sell it , to leave it at the feet of the horses. The love he professed so much in the house is over. The "predator" wanted to become hunted.

Appealing to the program's manipulation of what is happening in the house, "you know very well what television is like, how videos are made, how they are cut, music that is played ..." , Kiko Jiménez sold to Stela, as is, without more. "She may have used me," bomb! With how easy it would have been to recognize things, to say that there was an attraction, that they saw the orpotunity of making a box, that everything was planned ... Well, no, it was best to sell next door.

So five minutes before she, Estela , was telling her that he was her Big Sister, and they were melting into a hug that seemed like Teruel's lovers, and five minutes later he left her at the height of the bitumen trying to justify what she didn't I had an excuse with a "she may have used me". And he came to the set and with all his dad released a "to see if it will be a montage of these two and I pay the duck." Long live the betrayal! Long live the traitors! Blessed purgatory .

And he was so at ease, his pulse did not tremble, nor suffered an iota when he said it. It is what in my house is called a full-fledged assembly. Now, both of them have rope for a while on Telecinco's sets. First , because their meeting ended in a kiss. That is to say, that of dramatic break, oranges from China. Second , because now it remains to be seen what Kiko Jiménez will do with Estela and that will be removed from her sleeve to clean her image at the expense of hers. Third , because the third in discord, Diego Matamoros, is missing. And, fourth , because Estela is nominated this week with Irene Junquera and Adara, which the new leaders of the house, Mila and Noemí, did not want to save, and knowing us Estela has enough ballots to be expelled and thus see how it ends The soap opera of happy four. Will they go on vacation together as Estela said? Will they go for drinks like Kiko said? Did Diego Matamoros reappear? Will he go up to the house and will they set up the same show as Kiko and Sofia? We complain about content because it takes two cups.

Telecinco can not and does not want to lose the gold reef found in this soap opera, which to me every time sounds more Chinese story. And they won't let it go either . If Kiko has to sell Estela for a handful of sets, she will sell it. If Sofia has to start up in bulerías, she will do it. And if Diego Matamoros has to return ... There I am not so clear.

Mila Ximénez and her dirty betrayal

Just as I was not sure that Mila Ximénez ended up being just as traitorous as Kiko Jiménez was with her. How innocent I am! This belief in the goodness of the human being seeing GH is a problem that I have to make myself look. Mila Ximénez has betrayed the only person, along with Master Joao, who supported her and was at her side when the whole house left her behind after the covert nomination of her "untouchables." He has betrayed Adara and he has done it in the most ruinous way he could do it , secretly, next to Adara's greatest enemies, unloading the entire arsenal ... That said, even a Lannister have more values ​​than this handful of traitors .

Mila has returned to the fold she never wanted to leave and left just to save herself. He has returned with his sheep, with his drones, with his furniture . He has returned with Alba Carrillo , with Naomi, with Irene, with the harpies, and he has done it through the big door.

What gives of the bathroom of GH VIP , what they have not seen and heard those walls ... While Alba was dispatched at ease against Adara, to which they have a crazy desire, Mila not only gave the reason but that filled the bag with more shit, if possible. "Adara also when she gave her face for you, she did it because she approaches a burning nail , " said Noemí Salazar, the HOGENLOGUE furniture in the house. And Mila entered the rag, as if she had been waiting for him for days, as if the brilli-brilli had given her the starting gun to release everything she had been saving for some time.

"If this one goes away - by Kiko Jiménez - to see who she is going to release her rat squeals with ," Mila argued, while Alba, the wretched person made more firewood, "is a heavy one." I'm not surprised at Alba, she can't stand Adara and she spends the day skinning her around the corners of the house , but Mila's does. Yes, because Adara was with her and supported her when those who were with her in the bathroom making a suit to Adara, Kiko and Estela, turned her sideways. Because Adara put aside everything that had happened before and got close to what until then was one of her greatest enemies. Because Adara doesn't look for the sun that warms the most. Others cannot say the same.

Mila, Alba, Noemí, Antonio David and El Cejas made a suit but that well done not only Adara, but above all Kiko and Estela uncovering what we have all seen, that there is more than a friendship and that those outside were going to to be trilling His comments caused a monumental quarrel in the house with a broken Stele, a deranged Kiko and a Mila that went with the machete between his teeth.

And that Diego Matamoros asked him to take care of his wife, that if he were to ask for something else, Estela would be cannon fodder. Mila Ximénez learned to play the night she learned about the betrayal of Kiko Jiménez and El Cejas and since then she hasn't stopped doing it. In the house she has no friends and those next to her are simple pawns that she uses at will. No matter whether Adara, Joao or Alba, Mila is playing and needs her soldiers . And if to move forward you have to sacrifice them, your pulse will not shake.

What surprises me about this GH VIP is that there is more content outside than inside. Kiko Jimenez was not a saint of my devotion, but he gave all the game that this house lacks. Without him, what do we have left, the Pol-Adara-Joao trio? It's bread for today and hungry for tomorrow. We have been loading those who raised the reality and now we have nothing left. Because I, honestly, to see furniture I go to Ikea .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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