Teller Report

Charles Berling: "Let's stop considering women are inferior to men"

10/11/2019, 5:43:37 PM

Currently at the theater in the room & nbsp; & quot; Art & quot; Yasmina Reza, Charles Berling is committed to a cause that is close to his heart & nbsp ;: gender equality. He is now ambassador of the association & quot; Put red & quot; for whom he signs a reprise of the Balavoine tube & quot; Lipstick polychrome & quot ;. On Europe 1, he tells why this feminist cause is fundamental.

Currently at the theater in Yasmina Reza's play "Art", Charles Berling is committed to a cause that is close to his heart: gender equality. He is now ambassador of the association "Put red" for which he signs a recovery of the tube of Balavoine "polychrome Lipstick". On Europe 1, he tells why this feminist cause is fundamental.


Charles Berling may be on display in Yasmina Reza's play Art , but he does not abandon his feminist commitment. In parallel with his artistic projects, the actor and comedian is ambassador of the campaign of the association Put du rouge that raises awareness about the fight against violence against women. "Let's stop considering that women are inferior to men, we must promote parity and fight because it does not come alone," says Charles Berling, who was invited to The wild equiped , Friday, on Europe 1.

ALSO READ - Charles Berling: "The piece 'Art' always makes the audience completely crazy"

In France, rape or attempted rape occurs every six minutes and only 10% of abused women file a complaint. A reality that particularly affects Charles Berling. "It's very distracting, you listen to two songs, and during that time a sexual assault or rape occurs, which says a lot about the calamitous state of male-female relationships," says the actor.

"Lipstick for men"

To promote his commitment, Charles Berling has agreed to sing the tube of Daniel Balavoine Lipstick ( polychrome lipstick), which embodies alone the principle of association. "This campaign offers men to put on lipstick and thus to go a little bit towards the feminine," says Charles Berling, who calls to break the archetypes. According to him, this symbolic action deconstructs the codes of the genre where "the man must be a kind of block of power and the woman a mother of submission". For men to dare to put red, he refers to the portraits of Louis XIV with his "high heels, long hair and lipstick".

Until 18h on @ Europe1, join #MatthieuNoel and Charles Berling! # # Mettezdurouge LEquipeeSauvage

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- Claire Dutronc (@ClaireDutronc) October 11, 2019

Beyond the physical aspect of the campaign he embodies, Charles Berling believes in a much deeper mentality. "I immediately agreed to participate in this campaign because it focuses on one of the basic components of feminism: how can we profoundly change society so that this gender relationship stops being a relationship? of power and abuse? "he asks, he who was raised by a mother with a strong character.

Marie Curie, a genie in the shadows

The actor calls men to wear lipstick to help women in their fight against violence. The idea is to say, according to Charles Berling, "I put lipstick because I do not want to accept [the violence] from my friends and myself".

To illustrate gender inequalities rooted in society, Charles Berling does not hesitate to mention concrete examples, such as Marie Curie's. "When Pierre and Marie Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize, everyone congratulated Pierre Curie because it was inevitably the man who was the brain.The people were then surprised to see that after his death, Marie Curie continued his research, "says Charles Berling, who adds having" played twice the role of Pierre Curie in his career. "