Teller Report

Another pitched battle around the Parliament of Quito

10/11/2019, 7:10:20 PM

The indigenous struggle does not yield, both in Quito and in Tungurahua, Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, the most belligerent provinces of the mountains. A contingent of about a thousand Shuar Indians,

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The indigenous struggle does not yield, both in Quito and in Tungurahua, Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, the most belligerent provinces of the mountains. A contingent of around a thousand Shuar Indians, coming from the Amazon, joined the protests this morning to the shout of "Get out Lenin, down the pack!" . Even with a corridor of honor and musical excitement, their companions received them in the House of Culture, the scene of the kidnapping of about thirty journalists and 10 police officers. The "territory" of the rebels in the middle of the city is now a "protection zone" by decision of the Government , despite the state of exception and the night curfew that prevail in the country.

The indigenous slamming of the dialogues with the Government has led to the radicalization of the conflict, which according to the Ombudsman already has five fatalities, 554 injured and 929 arrested. Human rights organizations demand that police forces cease to repress protesters, although there are very violent groups that attack again and again against police and military.

An evident tension to which there is to add the economic deterioration in a country where the majority of its inhabitants eat with what they earn in the day. Protests and roadblocks have caused food supply problems in different areas of the country.

With their faces painted and carrying the spears that symbolize the defense of their rights, which frighten the bravest, the Shuar revitalized the indigenous movement on the ninth day of challenge to the government of Lenin Moreno. "We will fight until the end, until they repeal the decree of gasoline," said one of the warriors, congratulated by those present, excited about joining the fight.

The effect was immediate: a march advanced shortly afterwards to the historic center to besiege, once again, the Assembly. Last Tuesday they took it, but once inside they were evicted by police officers with a tear gas blow.

"It's the mechanics, it's the everyday tonic and it's going to be the tonic until the government falls , " Rafael Correa's successor complained to the chaos caused by those who try to bring him down, according to his own complaints. The battery of proposals that the Government has deployed on the table are ignored at the moment by the indigenous leadership, although Moreno's ministers insist that a part of their leaders are receptive to compensation .

The most radical leaders of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie), contrary to the Government's gesture, have added to their claims the cessation of two fundamental ministers for Moreno: María Paulo Romo, at the head of the Government portfolio (Interior), and Oswaldo Jarrín, head of Defense.

"(The two ministers) are killing the people," insisted the leader of the Conaie, who has sent a letter to Moreno with his claims. "Everything that is happening is the result of 10 years of correísmo and Moreno was part of the citizen revolution ," the leader said.

Meanwhile, most of the country tries to return to a normality that, today, seems impossible. Quito returned to dawn with little street activity, due in large part to the fact that it is a holiday. Taxi caravans traveled the capital from north to south to make it very clear that despite having left the strike a week ago they also want the repeal of the decree that eliminates subsidies for extra gasoline and diesel.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Rafael Correa
  • Lenin Moreno
  • Ecuador

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