Teller Report

SR scrapes program names in P3

10/10/2019, 4:01:42 PM

Swedish Radio has decided to scrap several of the program names in channel P3. Instead, table loans should be based on when listening to the channel during the day. - We want to invest even more in podcasts, says Deputy Program Manager Cajsa Lindberg to SVT News.

Swedish Radio scraps most of the program names in P3 and will instead have a table based on what time of day you listen. The editorial boundaries should become more unclear and collaboration will increase throughout the channel, writes Deputy Program Manager Cajsa Lindberg in a blog post.

“We will have a tableau, which is mainly based on four major passports on weekdays that go into each other naturally and transmit consignments; morning, morning, afternoon and evening, ”she writes.

The reason is that P3 wants to adapt to the audience's way of listening.

- We have seen for a couple of years that listening has decreased. At the same time, we have seen that P3's pods have increased, says Cajsa Lindberg.

"Morning pass in P3" left

The new format in P3 should be "seamless and no haystacks". The channel will focus more on social issues, social journalism and music journalism.

- We are making this change to be able to make more podcasts, says Cajsa Lindberg.

The program names are removed so that the channel wants to be able to keep the day together no matter where they broadcast from, according to Lindberg. But the popular program "The Morning Pass in P3" will remain.

- Just the Morning Pass we know that the audience loves, so we can't remove that, she says.

The channel will also continue to work more digitally and develop its range of podcasts. The new tableau will be introduced in January 2020.