Teller Report

Ministry of Labor spoke about evaluation of retraining program for retirees

10/10/2019, 3:37:31 PM

Mikhail Kirsanov, Director of the Employment Department of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, said that the retraining program for citizens of pre-retirement age will be evaluated by the number of people who got a job. According to RIA Novosti, at least 85% of retrained should be employed.

It is noted that since 2019, within the framework of the federal project "Older Generation" of the national project "Demography", vocational training and additional vocational education of citizens of pre-retirement age are carried out.

As specified, in this framework, at least 75 thousand pre-pensioners should be trained annually.

“We were assigned KPI: at least 85% of the trained should be provided with work. This is what happens, ”Kirsanov said.

In July, the Russian Ministry of Labor and Social Protection proposed options for unemployment benefits for 2020.

The unemployment benefit for persons of pre-retirement age was proposed to be set at 11,280 rubles.