Teller Report

Trump called impeachment cooperation with Democrats

10/9/2019, 9:25:07 PM

U.S. President Donald Trump said the White House will work with Democrats in the U.S. Congress to impeach only if it gets equal rights.

“We will (cooperate. - RT ), if they give us rights, it depends. If they (Democrats. - RT ) vote and at the same time say that we should not be asked questions, imagine anyone - these are crazy things. This is a very unfair situation, ”TASS quoted Trump as saying in response to a corresponding question from journalists.

Earlier in the White House, it was announced that Democrats in the House of Representatives of the US Congress did not allow Republicans to take part in the investigation as part of the Trump impeachment procedure.

At the same time, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi warned that the White House’s refusal to testify would be regarded as an attempt to obstruct the investigation.

On September 25, Pelosi announced the start of the Trump impeachment procedure because of his telephone conversation with Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky.

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