Teller Report

The draft budget: increased tax in Mark

10/9/2019, 7:01:36 PM

The Social Democrats, the Center Party and the Liberals want to see a municipal tax increase of 30 öre. - This means an important investment in the care of the elderly, the social services and the school, says Lisa Dahlberg (S), chair of the local council.

The municipal tax in Mark's municipality may be increased by 30 cents. That after the Social Democrats, the Center Party and the Liberals on Wednesday presented their draft budget for the coming years.

- This means an important investment in the care of the elderly, the social services and the school. This includes a tax increase of SEK 0.30 to give the businesses sustainable conditions to do their work, says Lisa Dahlberg (S)

To be decided in November

Other parties can submit their budget proposals to the municipal council on October 13 and decisions must be taken by the municipal council on November 21. If the parties' proposals go through, the tax increase can start to apply from 1 January next year.

- It is about SEK 58 a month for a land resident who has an average income. It is then sufficient to strengthen, the older school, the elderly care and social services activities. The elderly can receive 15 million more with this increase, it is clear that it makes a difference.

- There have been several years of cuts and budgets in deficit in these core businesses and it is no longer sustainable to have it that way, says Lisa Dahlberg.