Teller Report

Sébastien Chenu (RN): "We must close all Salafist mosques"

10/9/2019, 5:43:19 PM

Sebastien Chenu, spokesman for the National Rally, asked on Europe 1 the government to close all Salafist mosques, a week after the attack on the police headquarters of Paris. & Nbsp;

Sebastien Chenu, spokesman for the National Rally, asked on Europe 1 the government to close all Salafist mosques, a week after the attack on the police headquarters of Paris.


A week after the attack on the Paris police headquarters, Sébastien Chenu wants to "close all Salafist mosques". "We must close the Salafist mosques, otherwise it is useless to classify them as such.The problem is that within these mosques are born fundamentalist networks", pleaded the spokesman of the National Gathering (RN), Wednesday evening on Europe 1. "We must change the policy People who have a relationship with radical Islam must be pursued.There are 100 radicalized mosques, all must be closed. of firmness, showing that we are masters of our destiny, that destinies are protected, how many more deaths will it take to awaken the consciences of our leaders? "asked the deputy.

"The authority of the state is badly hurt"

Since the attack of the police headquarters, made by an administrative agent last Thursday, the government is strongly criticized by the opposition. Sébastien Chenu added a piece in the machine, saying that "the authority of the state is harshly undermined". "We are in a situation that shows that today the authority of the state is harshly harmed.There are holes in the racket, both in monitoring systems and ski lifts. information, and also the ability of the Minister of the Interior to assume his responsibilities, "said the deputy RN. "The government has not done anything since (Tuesday), there are still a hundred Salafist mosques open in France, it must disturb some structures, some suburbs to close," he said.