Teller Report

Gb-Usa: Syria raid humanitarian disaster

10/9/2019, 8:34:07 PM

22.25 "Serious concern about the invasion of Turkey in northeastern Syria" by British Prime Minister Johnson and US President Trump. The news was given by Downing Street which gives an account of a phone call between the two leaders. The phone call also highlighted "the risk of a humanitarian catastrophe" due to Ankara's action against Kurdish militias. This according to London. Trump and Johnson then also discussed duties and the case of a US diplomat escaped British justice.


09 October 201922.25 "Serious concern over Turkey's invasion of northeastern Syria" by British Prime Minister Johnson and US President Trump. The news was given by Downing Street which gives an account of a phone call between the two leaders. The phone call also highlighted "the risk of a humanitarian catastrophe" due to Ankara's action against Kurdish militias. This according to London. Trump and Johnson then also discussed duties and the case of a US diplomat escaped British justice.