Teller Report

Crimes of Houthi militias before members of the US Congress

10/9/2019, 10:11:05 PM

Yemeni Minister of Human Rights Mohammed Askar, during a meeting in Washington yesterday with a number of senior advisers and legislators of the US Congress, reviewed the human rights and humanitarian situation in Yemen since the Iranian-backed Houthi militias overthrew legitimacy in September 2014 and what caused it.

Yemeni Minister of Human Rights Mohammad Askar reviewed yesterday with a number of senior advisers and lawmakers of the US Congress the human rights situation in Yemen since the Iranian-backed Houthi militia overthrew legitimacy in September 2014 and its crimes and violations. A catastrophic deterioration of the humanitarian situation, and demanded a resolution condemning militia abuses and crimes.

Minister Askar, who met with Ted Liu of California, Chris Smith of New Jersey, Colin Allred of Texas, Brian Mast of Florida, Andrew Calris of Virginia, and US Senator of Maryland Ben Cardin, confirmed that militia abuses Houthi grave against the people of Yemen, amounts to crimes against humanity. He stressed that the actions of the coup militias recruiting children and women are causing the dismantling and deepening of the Yemeni social fabric and deepening the divisions, calling on the US Congress to condemn the crimes of the Houthi militias, and the adoption of the resolutions passed by members of the US Congress, Rep. Will Hurd and Senator Tom Cotton. Condemning the violations of human rights by Houthi militias in Yemen and their relationship with Iran.

In turn, members of the US Congress expressed their full support for efforts to achieve peace in Yemen, stop the war and end human suffering.

Lashkar met with International Expert Ilana Delaware, Director of Research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Patrick Clawson, and senior researchers at the Institute, and reviewed a number of issues related to the human rights situation in Yemen, which has been deteriorating since the coup Houthi militias on the legitimate government.

The Yemeni Minister of Human Rights asked international organizations and intellectual and research institutions to highlight and condemn the crimes of militias that violated international human rights law and war crimes in order to spread their sectarian and anti-Semitic ideology, and called on the international community to support the legitimate government efforts to restore state institutions, normalize the situation in the liberated areas and alleviate The humanitarian situation caused by the coup militias in all governorates of the Republic of Yemen, which exacerbated the suffering of thousands of families and led many of them to displace.