Teller Report

Abdul-Mahdi .. Declaration of mourning and ensure the treatment of demonstrators and a reshuffle

10/9/2019, 8:19:13 PM

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's prime minister declared three days of mourning on Thursday for security forces and demonstrators killed in demonstrations in the past few days.

He said in a speech addressed to the public this evening, broadcast on Iraqi television, that his government is responsible for the costs of treating those injured in the protests, adding that the state has ordered an immediate investigation and hold those responsible from the security forces accountable for the shooting, causing deaths.

He added that he had ordered the release of all those arrested on Khalifa's recent demonstrations except those with criminal cases.

In his speech, he recalled the government's commitment to carry out its recently announced reforms.

Abdul-Mahdi also confirmed the government's stand with the legitimate demands of the demonstrators, and rejected the manifestations of violence.

He announced in his speech to submit a reshuffle to the parliament for approval in the House of Representatives tomorrow.

He added that the government will announce within a few hours a new list of those accused of corruption and referring them to the courts of integrity, pointing out that they are senior officials in the state.

In eight days, Iraq witnessed demonstrations in Baghdad and other Iraqi provinces that killed more than 110 people, including at least nine security men, and injured more than 6,000 people.