Teller Report

"Felt like the worst mother in the world" - here are your experiences about breastfeeding

10/9/2019, 7:49:30 PM

Breastfeeding during the baby's first months becomes less common, recent statistics show. We have called for your experience on how breastfeeding has worked. Several stories have come in - and please continue to share with us in our chat.

Some have had problems with breastfeeding. Among other things, the sender "Lina" writes: "Breastfeed for about 4 months with both children. However, I had too strong an expulsion so both kids were stuck in their throats all the time during breastfeeding. This resulted in the children breastfeeding for about 1-2 minutes max, then they gave up because they constantly had to interrupt and cough. "

The sender "Maria" experienced that it worked well with her first child, then it should have been worse: "Unfortunately, breastfeeding did not work as well with my second child, but there I reluctantly closed after 2-3 months due to lack of breast milk. This is something I'm still sorry about. Felt like the worst mother in the world :( ”.

"Trust your bodies and enjoy"

But it also comes in more positive experiences: “I enjoyed breastfeeding and was fascinated by the fantastic way nature is created. Always fresh clean food for my child, at any time of the day without doing anything but lifting the sweater. Trust your bodies and enjoy, the hassles are temporary, take them over and have wonderful moments with your baby, just when you need and want a cuddle time, ”Karin Oker-Blom writes.

Direct report · How was breastfeeding for you?


15 hours

Welcome to our chat about breastfeeding. We are curious about how you experienced breastfeeding! Good? Badly? Do you have any tips for other moms who have it tough?

SVT · Jennifer Howgate

2 tim20.07

I wanted to be able to breastfeed longer. Breast-feeding about 4 months with both children. However, I had too strong an expulsion so both kids were stuck in their throats all the time during breastfeeding. This resulted in the children breastfeeding for about 1-2 minutes max, then they gave up because they constantly had to interrupt and cough. Which meant that they were basically hungry all the time and I slept on average 3 hours incoherent per day. Didn't get any help from BVC about this, they could only state that I was lucky to have so much milk and that most people have trouble getting the deportation started. After 4 months, I was so completely exhausted that I myself saw no alternative but to start giving bottle. Bvc's solution? Sick!


2 tim20.07

I have breastfed all three of my children, about as long as everyone.
Fully breastfed until they were around 6 months ago continued to breastfeed between meals and in the evenings and nights to about 1.5 years on the first two and 1 year on the youngest.
It has become that I stopped breastfeeding naturally when I felt that the children no longer had the need.


2 tim20.07

With my first child, breastfeeding worked great. Breast-fed for about 9 months and thought it was very cozy. Unfortunately, breastfeeding did not work as well as my other child, but there I reluctantly closed down after 2-3 months due to lack of breast milk. This is something I'm still sorry about. Felt like the world's worst mother :(


2 tim20.06

Unfortunately, I couldn't breastfeed my son who was born in 1995. Struggled for a whole month. After a month's struggle, the BVC Nurse said: It is a myth that all women can breastfeed. Her words were liberating. I accepted the fact and had time to enjoy my son, instead of being a prisoner at the pump.


2 tim20.06

I wanted to breastfeed my twins but after infection in the cut after childbirth, the milk drained. The body simply could not cope. Did not think BB was reaching true support either. There was a lot of nagging about breastfeeding but no one really wanted to help. If I have more children, I'll go again.


2 tim20.06

Breastfeeding for 10 months it was perfect

Britt-Marie Reyman I Have 3 Children And Everyone I Have S

5 h16.43

Hungry, screaming baby who was never satisfied but oh how fast it turned when she got the bottle the first time. Sleep for several hours at a time. Satisfied mom, happy baby. In other words, nothing was for me.


5 h16.34

With my first child I breastfeed fully for 4 months, then it was only night time up to 6 months. The reason I didn't breastfeed more or longer was because I'm very slim, only went up 8kg and after birth I was down to 50-52kg again. I did not eat enough myself, did not get much milk and in addition I became very dizzy. Could not eat more even if I wanted .. Then it hurt the most with tense breasts and I thought it was unhygienic with pumping and trying to keep the milk free of bacteria.
With the other child, I completely relinquished breastfeeding due to surgery and previous experience with breastfeeding. And because I weigh about the same again and assumed that it would probably be the same again. Wish I felt different for breastfeeding, because it is both useful for the baby and the mother and then it is cozy.


7 tim15.11

I gave birth to our first child. It felt natural and obvious. Nice moments when you connect, feel closeness and unwind as a mother.
Then we got twins and then it just didn't work to breastfeed which I can mourn over today.

Only that there are no places in central Falun and other cities where you can breastfeed your child in peace and quiet speak your clear language.
And if one were to pull out the breasts on a sheep, the insulted, disgusted and mean-spirited submitters in the newspaper will say about it.


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