Teller Report

The fold of the PSC undresses Pedro Sánchez

10/8/2019, 12:26:53 AM

In the nth stroke of his career, Pedro Sánchez has decided to raise his campaign for 10-N by cultivating a profile away from any veleity with the nationalists. Although

In the nth stroke of his career, Pedro Sánchez has decided to raise his campaign for 10-N by cultivating a profile away from any veleity with the nationalists. Although the independence movement was a key part of the motion of censure that appealed Sanchez to La Moncloa, now he tries to uncheck it by agitating the application of article 155 or even resorting to the National Security Law. We know that Sánchez is capable of any turn in order to underpin his continuity in power, but the facts are stubborn and are determined to contradict the rhetoric of the leader of the PSOE. The motion of censure that yesterday presented Citizens in the Parliament, although arithmetically was unfeasible, had the virtue of exposing - once again - the folds of the PSC . Not only did Iceta demarcate himself from this initiative, in an equidistance exercise that embarrasses after the violent drift of the process was found, but the leaders of Cs and the PP were allowed to be called “totalitarian”.

The motion sponsored by Lorena Roldán, leader of Cs in Catalonia, is not only pertinent but also timely after the imprisonment of seven members of the Defense Committees of the Republic (CDR) accused of planning terrorist attacks. That the independence movement, which has never hesitated to use street pressure to achieve its political objectives, now leads to a threat to the security of the State, is a strong reason to expect socialist behavior to live up to a party with a sense of state. However, Sánchez has once again incurred an exercise in hypocrisy that, on the other hand, accredits the excessive weight of the PSC in Ferraz.

Sanchez's position in the face of the separatist challenge will lack credibility until he assumes the need to join forces with the constitutionalist bloc . Without ambiguities or subterfuges. Especially considering the will of confrontation of the Catalan Government and the imperative need to stop the guardianship exercised by the independence system in the education system. In fact, the inspector who twice defeated the Government today maintains in this newspaper that the Catalan Inspection not only does not monitor indoctrination, but is connivent with it. To this is added the necessary unity with which the main parties must react to the foreseeable independence response to the 1-O ruling, which the Supreme Court (TS) will issue in the coming days. The TS ruling will affect not only the 12 secessionist leaders who sat on the bench, but the other six who fled Spain. There would be no reason, therefore, for not reactivating the Euroorder on Puigdemont after the ruling. The time has come to do justice.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Citizens
  • PSC
  • CDR
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Supreme Court
  • PSOE
  • Lorena Roldan
  • Spain
  • Catalonia
  • Politics
  • Catalan Elections
  • Editorial

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