Teller Report

Temptation and assassination .. Mossad women expose secret services to Israel

10/8/2019, 11:31:23 AM

For the first time in Israel, five women working for the Mossad "expose" Israel's secret services, which employ women for Israel's national security. The Hebrew Yediot Aharonot newspaper recently published the confessions of women involved in the most dangerous and important operations.

For the first time in Israel, five women working at the Mossad "expose" the secret services of Israel, which employ women for Israel's national security, where the Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" recently published the confessions of women involved in the most dangerous and important operations inside " Mossad. "

Efrat, one of the Mossad's most important agents, explained that it was only a matter of courtship, and no matter what, the Mossad did not allow any more, stressing that her life would end if revealed, but she did not care for the security of Israel. , She said. Agent Ayala said the effect on her family is that she leaves her husband and three children asleep in their beds with tears in her eyes and a throat in her throat.

For his part, former Mossad commander, Tamir Pardo, who described the device as an organized murder gang, stressed that women are exceptional agents, praising their abilities and self-repression in order to achieve the goals, explaining that the abilities of women are superior to those of men in understanding the region and reading attitudes and spatial awareness, As he says.

It is noteworthy that the former Minister Tzipi Livni, one of the most famous Mossad agents, she ended her military service as a lieutenant in the occupation army, and worked for the Mossad in Europe, and between 1980-1984 pursued with the Mossad the PLO leaders in most of Europe.

According to foreign sources, it contributed to the assassinations, especially the assassination of Mamoun Marish and was then an assistant to the senior leader of the PLO Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) in Athens, where he was assisting in the conduct of foreign operations and supervised the guerrilla operations inside the Palestinian territories.

He was approached by two young men on two motorcycles on August 20, 1983, who opened the door of his car, which he was about to park near his residence in the Greek capital, and then rained it from two silencers and fled, in an operation that took no more than two minutes.

It is noteworthy that special reports linked the name of Livni to work as a first-class spy in France in the early 1980s, where her work was distributed between collecting information about Arab activists in Europe to work as a housekeeper in the French capital, and was in the elite unit, according to Ephraim Halevy former director of the "Mossad" "For security reasons, he refused to give details of Livni's missions between 1980 and 1984.

Livni, who speaks fluent French and comes from the Zionist gang family, worked in Paris, which was then the scene of fierce battles between the Mossad and a number of leaders of Palestinian factions and the ambitions of the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

Like all the new volunteers, Livni worked as a student and traveled on the old continent, where she took many tests that were mostly risk-free and concentrated most of her tasks as a maid or housekeeper for a number of wanted houses, offering them sexual temptations and perhaps more, according to Western sources.

After working at home, Livni set out for field work, where she received training on how to recruit spies and gather information at a time when Israel was facing its many foes, especially after the organization left Beirut and moved to Tunisia.