Teller Report

RUSADA did not participate in the preparation of explanations for WADA on the issue of data from the Moscow laboratory

10/8/2019, 7:01:07 PM

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) did not participate in the preparation of explanations for the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) regarding the inconsistency of data from the Moscow anti-doping laboratory.

According to RUSAD Deputy Director General Margarita Pakhnotskaya, who reports to TASS, the organization did not participate in preparing an answer to WADA questions, since it has nothing to do with the Moscow anti-doping laboratory.

On September 23, WADA initiated an expedited review of the RUSADA mismatch issue due to identifying discrepancies between LIMS and data extracted from the Moscow laboratory.

WADA gave RUSADA and the Russian Ministry of Sports a period of three weeks starting September 17 to provide an explanation of the inconsistencies found and to answer a number of questions addressed to them.

Earlier it became known that the Ministry of Sports provided WADA with explanations about the data from the Moscow laboratory.