Teller Report

Return to normal in Baghdad .. And violence in Sadr City

10/8/2019, 10:06:40 PM

Iraqi authorities re-cut the Internet service in the country, again yesterday, after the operation of the service one night, while Sadr City witnessed bloody violence, which killed 15 people, and woke up the Iraqi capital Baghdad, yesterday, in a cautious calm after a week of protests. The Arab Army

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi authorities re-cut Internet service in the country again on Saturday after a one-night run, while Sadr City witnessed bloody violence in which 15 people were killed and Baghdad woke up on a cautious lull after a week of protests.

In detail, the Iraqi army announced yesterday that a policeman was killed and four others were wounded in an attack by gunmen in Sadr City, where 15 people were killed last night during the violence. Local police sources told Reuters that the protesters and the victims of the protests massed in the city. Al-Sadr after nightfall and set fire to tires in front of the municipal council building and court in Muzaffar Square, explaining that the shooting targeting security forces came from a crowd, but protesters said they were attacked by security forces using live ammunition throughout the week.

Reuters journalists saw snipers on rooftops firing at crowds of protesters, killing and wounding.

Wake up the Iraqi capital Baghdad, yesterday, on a cautious calm after a week of protests marred by violence, and returned to normal conditions in the capital, where the traffic authorities announced the reopening of the government green zone and the suspension bridge to traffic, after a pause against the backdrop of popular demonstrations, while The Gomhoureya Bridge towards Tahrir Square is still closed, as is the Aviation Square.

The Iraqi President Barham Saleh, has called, on the evening of yesterday, his compatriots to put an end to what he called «sedition», after the security forces acknowledged «excessive use of force in Sadr City, eastern Baghdad».

Meanwhile, the Iraqi authorities re-cut the Internet service in the country, again yesterday, after restarting the service for one night for the first time since it stopped in early October, in conjunction with the start of demonstrations.

The spokesman for the Iraqi Interior Ministry, Major General Saad Maan, earlier, that «the Internet ban comes for security reasons», and stressed that the decision to return is linked to the current situation and a decision of the government.

According to official statistics, the violence that accompanied the demonstrations killed more than 110 demonstrators and security forces, in addition to about 10,000 injured, the vast majority of them civilians.

The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted yesterday, in principle, to end the work of the provincial councils, during its regular session in the presence of 212 deputies, and two ministers, to discuss the demands of the demonstrators, also voted on the government's proposals on the demands of the demonstrators, where recommended the parliamentary committee formed to discuss the demands, As the victims of the demonstrations as martyrs, and compensation for the wounded, and the release of a regular financial grant to unemployed graduates and others, while the Baghdad Operations Command, announced yesterday, the reception of 443 affiliates whose contracts have been terminated, in accordance with the directives of the General Command of the armed forces.

In addition, the account of the Iranian leader, Ali Khamenei, on «Twitter», said that he described as «enemies» seek to «distinguish between Iraq and Iran, but they were incapable and will not have a conspiracy», and his comments came after the demonstrations in Iraq burned the headquarters of parties loyal to Iran , As well as videos on social media showing protesters chanting against Iran.

Iraqi Council of Representatives votes on the demands of the demonstrators and end the work of the provincial councils.