Teller Report

Oncologist commented on discharge reports Zavorotnyuk

10/8/2019, 11:28:23 AM

Oncologist at the Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Russian Oncology Research Center N. N. Blokhina Igor Dolgopolov, commenting on media reports about the discharge from the hospital of actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, said that this could be due to a break in treatment.

He noted that glioblastoma, which, according to some sources, was diagnosed in Zavorotnyuk, is not treated in cases where its removal by surgery is impossible.

“As far as I know, a person has been treated for a long time, and not only in our country. The life expectancy of patients with such a diagnosis from the moment of its formulation and with treatment is about two years, ”Dolgopolov said in an interview with Zvezda TV channel.

According to him, the situation when a person is discharged and transferred home "can mean several things," including an extract for a break in treatment or if the prescribed treatment is ineffective.

“That is, he is discharged home for palliative therapy,” the specialist explained.

Earlier,, citing a source, wrote that Zavorotnyuk was discharged from the hospital.

In mid-September, the media also reported that Zavorotnyuk’s condition improved and she was conscious and breathing on her own.