Teller Report

Intellectuals: Tolerance is a necessity, not a luxury and rosy words

10/8/2019, 10:04:24 PM

Gulf and Arab intellectuals and researchers confirmed that the late founder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, realized from the outset that tolerance is the cornerstone of building nations and societies, as well as the approach of Islamic religion and authentic Arab traditions, and therefore made it one of the established rules that

Gulf and Arab intellectuals and scholars confirmed that the late founder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, realized from the outset that tolerance is the cornerstone of building nations and societies, as well as the approach of Islamic religion and authentic Arab traditions, and therefore made it a solid foundation on which to build The leaders of the UAE have followed the founding father's approach by launching major initiatives and projects that have made the UAE society a model of tolerance and coexistence among more than 200 nationalities.

They added that tolerance does not mean abandoning the constants of religion and identifying with beliefs. The other, but accept it and live with it.

Fixed foundations

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance, pointed out to the late Sheikh Zayed's great interest in the noble human values ​​and its role in shaping life on a firm basis of coexistence and positive communication between all, in order to achieve good, prosperity and stability for all. , That the Ministry of Tolerance has studied extensively the thought and actions of Sheikh Zayed, in deepening the principles of coexistence and tolerance among human beings.

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak added: “Through this study, the ministry adopted a clear and specific definition of the elements of tolerance established by the founding leader in the successful march of the state, which defines the meanings of tolerance in the UAE itself. The UAE is a living embodiment of the teachings of true Islam, a natural expression of pride in the greatness of the Arab and Islamic heritage, and a pride in national identity, thus tolerating everyone with everyone, without distinction or discrimination among human beings, based on gender, nationality, belief, culture, language or Ability, or status, and e Tolerance leads to harmony, compassion, dialogue and coexistence among all for the benefit of all. »

The second element is «the conscious awareness that pluralism and diversity in the characteristics of the population is a source of strength for human societies, and that this power is achieved on the ground, by allowing everyone to contribute fully to the march of the homeland, and the third element emphasizes the importance of developing knowledge of all human beings, Openness to them positively and correct misconceptions, and get rid of negative stereotypes about others ».

The fourth element, as explained by Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak, “reveals a strong expression of leadership and people, the keenness to provide a decent life for all the population, and that the leaders and people in the UAE are fully committed to the noble values ​​shared by all human beings, and to achieve justice and sovereignty Tolerance in the UAE is a successful way of dealing with conflicts and spreading love and peace. Tolerance is not only a moral duty but also an essential tool for achieving inclusive and sustainable development, and the desired social and economic progress, which is the way to build positive international relations. In a world of diversity and pluralism, in populations and cultures. ”

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak stressed that «achieving tolerance and coexistence in society requires the availability of several factors, the most important of which are wise leadership and a peaceful people, who are keen to achieve everything related to tolerance, a comprehensive socio-economic renaissance, in addition to the cooperation of all institutions of society, in the performance of their expected role in "This path, combined with appropriate legislation, supports the uniting of all to combat intolerance and extremism, an integrated community environment that encourages respect for the other, and upholds the human values ​​and principles that human beings share everywhere."

On approach

Saif Saeed Ghobash, undersecretary of the Department of Culture and Tourism, said that the conference comes in conjunction with the designation of this year as the Year of Tolerance in the UAE, to highlight the role of the late founding builder Sheikh Zayed, may God rest his soul, in instilling its inherent values ​​in the culture and behavior of the UAE society. For the UAE to be a cradle of tolerance, and for the people of the UAE to be a model of coexistence, dialogue, moderation and openness to all cultures. Dr. Ayed Al-Zahrani, in his speech at the conference, said that Sheikh Zayed established the UAE on the approach of tolerance and high civilizational and human values, and followed his sons' approach to launching great initiatives and various projects to become a bridge for communication between the peoples of the world and boasts an open environment that respects different cultures. It rejects extremism and promotes tolerance.


During the first session, which was moderated by Dr. Nasr Aref, the Saudi Ambassador to the UAE chose to address the opposite of tolerance: extremism, stressing that extremists are not a satanic plant. With their ideas, such as the concept of discontent put forward by Sayyid Qutb, and based on extremist groups, and described society Baljahli, which imposes on the group member a sense of isolation from his family and society as long as they are outside the group and organization.

Al-Dakhil considered that tolerance is not a luxury or a rosy idea, but a necessity for our societies.

Pastor Bishop Antony of Abu Dhabi, Coptic Orthodox Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Bishoy Fakhri Amin, spoke of the importance of tolerance as a great human value and a pillar of building charity, as the principle of tolerance is central to the teachings of religions.

He expressed his appreciation for the late Sheikh Zayed's efforts in consolidating the value of tolerance in society, and the UAE leaders' keenness to continue the same approach, making the state a model of coexistence among more than 200 nationalities.

Messages for all nationalities

Dr. Yousif Abdullah Al-Obaidli, Director General of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Center, presented the Center's statistics that tolerance in the UAE is not just a word or a slogan, but a firm belief in society and reflected in the actions of state institutions such as the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Center. Which receives visitors from different nationalities.

He reported that in 2018, there were 6,150,271 people, including 3,807,944 visitors.

Al Obaidli pointed out that the messages of tolerance at the center are not limited to the number of visitors and their nationalities, or Ramadan events, but they appear in the design of the center and the multinational team of engineers, artists and workers from around the world.

«How to strengthen his culture»

The intervention of the thinker Dr. Yousef Al-Hassan, during the conference, entitled «Why spread tolerance and how to promote his culture in minds and behavior», and focused on four axes, namely: the right concept of tolerance, and why we seek tolerance in our society, and how to promote a culture of tolerance in minds and behavior, and whether it was The idea of ​​a culture of tolerance has a place in the Gulf strategic cultural plan, stressing that the need for spreading a culture of tolerance in a period of rapid and profound transformations requires practical and modern mechanisms for dialogue with the other.

While Dr. Mohammed Qudsi talked about his memories with the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, his attitudes in the October War, and tolerance in the personality and thought of Zayed, and in the policy of the UAE and give it to the world.

- Tolerance is not only a moral imperative, but also an essential tool for inclusive and sustainable development.

- Tolerance is the cornerstone of building nations and societies.