Teller Report

Forecasters predict temperatures above the climatic norm in Moscow

10/8/2019, 2:25:35 PM

The chief specialist of the Moscow Weather Bureau Tatyana Pozdnyakova told RT what weather is expected in Moscow this week.

“The coming night on Wednesday will be quite cold. The prevailing temperature is 0 ... + 1 ° С. Then one of the atmospheric fronts comes up, on Wednesday afternoon it starts to rain from small to moderate. The weather will be determined by the cyclone, which now passes through the north of European Russia. The air temperature on Wednesday in the city is + 6 ... + 8 ° С, in the region + 4 ... + 8 ° С. No significant precipitation is expected on Thursday night, the temperature will be + 3 ... + 5 ° С. Daytime temperature will also continue to rise, it will be + 6 ... + 8 ° C, ”said the weather forecaster.

According to her, the most adverse weather due to rain and increased wind speed is expected on Friday and Saturday.

“Although the nights will be quite warm - in Moscow + 6 ... + 8 ° С, daytime temperature is higher than 10 ° С. But due to rain, the weather will not be too comfortable, although the temperature will be higher than the climatic norm, ”Pozdnyakova concluded.

Earlier, an employee of the Phobos weather center, Mikhail Leus, said that the night of October 7-8 was the coldest since the beginning of autumn.