Teller Report

Experts did not find increased radiation in a train arriving in Moscow

10/8/2019, 7:01:12 PM

Experts have not recorded an excess of radiation background in the wagons of a train that arrived in Moscow from Germany.

It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of emergency services of the capital.

“Verification completed. According to the results of the rapid analysis, an excess of the background radiation level was not detected, ”the source said.

This information was confirmed to the agency by the Russian Emergencies Ministry. As noted in the department, their laboratories carried out measurements, there was no threat to train passengers.

Earlier media reported that in one of the wagons of the train bound for Berlin, border guards allegedly recorded an excess of radiation background.

In the summer, scientists from Russia and Norway discovered an excess of radiation in the area of ​​the Soviet atomic submarine Komsomolets, which had sunk in 1989, by 100 thousand times.