Teller Report

Lebedeva called on Lasickene and Shlyakhtin to negotiate

10/7/2019, 8:10:18 PM

Tatyana Lebedeva, winner of the 2004 Olympic gold medal in long jump, believes that three-time world champion in high jump, Maria Lasitskene, and Dmitry Shlyakhtin, president of the All-Russian Athletics Federation, should start a dialogue.

“For almost three years, Maria and the president of the VFLA have been using the press in their relations, this is not normal. Lasickene said that she would not meet with Shlyakhtin. Sorry. All the same, it would be better if they reached a certain outcome at the negotiating table. If Mary believes that the president of the federation should leave, you need to personally speak out and present arguments. I don’t want the trash to be taken out of the hut in athletics and journalists to constantly discuss what Lasickene said and what Shlyakhtin said, ”the Moscow Region quotes Lebedev today.

Maria Lasitskene through social networks called on the head of the VFLA Dmitry Shlyakhtin to resign. In turn, the head of the organization in a comic form promised to think.

Earlier it was reported that Lasitskene called on the leadership of the VFLA to resign.