Teller Report

Ucrainagate, three democrats in Biden: no children in foreign boards

10/6/2019, 5:40:17 PM

Joe Biden also becomes vulnerable to criticism from his party rivals in the run-up to the White House for letting his son Hunter sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company when he was vice president. Senator Amy Klobuchar said that if she wins she will not allow her vice president's son to sit on a foreign board. "Probably not," echoed Senator Kamala Harris, while Beto O'Rourke would veto the families of all his ministers. So far, despite Trump's allegations, no irregularities have emerged in the role of Hunter and his father reiterated that there are no conflicts of interest either in Ukraine or in China, where Hunter had met a magnate with whom he was in business during a trip of the parent when he was vice president. The three Democratic candidates have not attacked Biden, recalling that what matters now is Trump's pressure to discredit him, but with their statements they open a front that risks embarrassing the front runner, a few days before the fourth TV debate between 12 aspirants to the White House.

Senator Joe Biden


06 October 2019

Joe Biden also becomes vulnerable to criticism from his party rivals in the run-up to the White House for letting his son Hunter sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company when he was vice president.

Senator Amy Klobuchar said that if she wins she will not allow her vice president's son to sit on a foreign board. "Probably not," echoed Senator Kamala Harris, while Beto O'Rourke would veto the families of all his ministers.

So far, despite Trump's allegations, no irregularities have emerged in the role of Hunter and his father reiterated that there are no conflicts of interest either in Ukraine or in China, where Hunter had met a magnate with whom he was in business during a trip of the parent when he was vice president. The three Democratic candidates have not attacked Biden, recalling that what matters now is Trump's pressure to discredit him, but with their statements they open a front that risks embarrassing the front runner, a few days before the fourth TV debate between 12 aspirants to the White House.