Teller Report

Portugal: what alliance for Antonio Costa, winner of the legislative?

10/6/2019, 11:37:06 PM

In Portugal, the general elections in one round offered, without much surprise, the victory of the Socialists. Outgoing Prime Minister Antonio Costa is expected to form a new government, but it is not known in what form.

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The outgoing Socialist Prime Minister Antonio Costa won the legislative elections, Sunday, October 6, 2019. PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / AFP

In Portugal, the general elections in one round offered, without much surprise, the victory of the Socialists. Outgoing Prime Minister Antonio Costa is expected to form a new government, but it is not known in what form.

With our correspondent in Lisbon, Marie-Line Darcy

There is only one certainty in the Portuguese political landscape: the Socialists are the big winners of Sunday's legislative elections. And Antonio Costa outgoing prime minister, a winner among the winners. The absolute majority in the National Assembly, ie 116 deputies, should, however, escape him.

We are therefore moving towards a new alliance with one or more parties. The question is whether the Socialists will renew the alliance with the radical left, which has allowed them to govern for four years. The Communist Party which lost votes in the legislative elections did not really make known its position. The Left Bloc, which on the other hand consolidates its position as the country's third political party, has shown itself willing to negotiate a new agreement. Or an annual budget of the state if the Socialists rejected the principle of alliance.

Like the PCP, the Bloc is a Eurosceptic party which has once again included in its program the renegotiation of the public debt with Brussels. A requirement that displeases Costa the European. The next few days will be rich in dealings of all kinds.