Teller Report

Following a wave of protests in Egypt .. Israeli report suggests steps to support Sisi

10/6/2019, 6:10:22 PM

Tel Aviv University's National Security Research Institute has called the latest wave of protests in Egypt against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi the most serious crisis he has faced since taking office.

The report concluded that although Israel's capacity to contribute to Egypt's stability was limited, it could take several steps in that regard.

Among these steps, the report said, are participating along with other countries in efforts to help stabilize Egypt's security and economic prosperity and encourage necessary reforms.

One of these steps, according to the report, is to give diplomatic and quiet support in the international arena to some of Cairo's positions in the field of fighting terrorism, for example.

The report also suggested refraining as much as possible from any steps that might inflame the fire in Egypt, especially against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and about the holy sites in Jerusalem.