Teller Report

Exit poll Portugal, with the Costa socialists in the lead

10/6/2019, 7:25:23 PM

The outgoing premier socialist party, Antonio Costa, is ahead, according to the first exit polls broadcast by TV, in the political elections in Portugal with 34.5% -38.5%. The Social Democratic opponents are between 24.6 and 28.6%, the extreme left bloc between 7.7% and 11.7%, the popular on the right between 6 and 8% and the left coalition between 2.9% and 4.9%, while the Pan (environmentalists, animal-nature) would have between 2.7% and 4.7%. Costa should have between 100 and 117 seats out of 230. In the wake of the miracle carried out since 2015, when with his government he raised the country's economy, overcoming austerity while remaining in the budget stakes imposed by Brussels, Costa therefore it wins a confirmation at the polls, which seemed practically predictable. Also this time nobody has reached an absolute majority and Costa will have to exercise his negotiating ability to re-propose a government alliance, as in 2015 when he launched his executive together with the other left parties. But the reports are not at the top and there is also talk of a possible involvement of Pan environmentalists. In any case, Costa is determined to remain at the helm of the country. "I will govern with whatever conditions the Portuguese will give me to govern", he declared last week to the local television channel Cmtv.

Prime Minister Antonio Costa (Ansa) vote


06 October 2019The outgoing socialist party of the prime minister, Antonio Costa, is ahead, according to the first exit polls broadcast by TV, in the political elections in Portugal with 34.5% -38.5%.

The Social Democratic opponents are between 24.6 and 28.6%, the extreme left bloc between 7.7% and 11.7%, the popular on the right between 6 and 8% and the left coalition between 2.9% and 4.9%, while the Pan (environmentalists, animal-nature) would have between 2.7% and 4.7%.

Costa should have between 100 and 117 seats out of 230.

On the wave of the miracle carried out since 2015, when with his government he raised the country's economy, overcoming austerity while remaining in the budget stakes imposed by Brussels, Costa thus won a confirmation at the polls, which seemed practically obvious .

Also this time nobody has reached an absolute majority and Costa will have to exercise his negotiating ability to re-propose a government alliance, as in 2015 when he launched his executive together with the other left parties. But the reports are not at the top and there is also talk of a possible involvement of Pan environmentalists. In any case, Costa is determined to remain at the helm of the country. "I will govern with whatever conditions the Portuguese will give me to govern", he had declared last week to the local television channel Cmtv.