Teller Report

In the DNI, they declared about a house fire as a result of shelling of the APU

10/5/2019, 6:10:34 PM

The representative office of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic in the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire said that in the village of Kominternovo, as a result of shelling by the Ukrainian security forces, the house caught fire.

“At 17:25, the armed formations of Ukraine opened fire from the Talakivka settlement in the direction of the Kominternovo settlement with the use of grenade launchers and heavy machine guns,” the Donetsk news agency reports.

Earlier in the DPR, it was stated that the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces fired on the settlement of Aleksandrovka.

On July 17, members of the Donbass contact group agreed on a new indefinite truce, which began on the 21st.

Ukrainian political scientist, director of the Institute for Global Strategies Vadim Karasev, in an interview with the NSN, assessed the likelihood of progress in the Minsk process from Kiev.

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