Teller Report

As Pontes

10/5/2019, 12:11:25 AM

Although journalists are very entertaining to play with Errejón or Vox's plans, the foot staff shows concern for more relevant issues. The news of the se

Although journalists are very entertaining to play with Errejón or Vox's plans, the foot staff shows concern for more relevant issues. The news of the week in the municipality of As Pontes Coruña has not occupied large covers, but it is a relevant fact that exceeds local limits. Endesa's decision to stop the thermal plant of As Pontes - and that of Litoral (Almería) - preludes its closure. The power company also plans to close the power stations in Andorra (Teruel) and Comspostilla (León). It does not do so only by virtue of its environmental commitment, but by the escalation of the price of CO2: a year ago a ton was paid at eight euros; now it reaches 27.

In any case, there is no turning back in the ecological transition, driven to rebuild three factors: the European Union guidelines, slow but firm; the inexorable reality of climate change, which imposes a radical transformation of the energy production system ; and the political will of Teresa Ribera, which has given the old Ministry of Environment a dimension that exceeds the custody of the ecosystem to standardize a new productive model . Or, at least, prevent the current one from spitting so much bazofia into the atmosphere. In this context, Endesa's renewable energy plan must be inserted, which plans to install 1,900 megawatts (MW). It is a plausible goal, above all, considering that energy represents about 60% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. The problem is the cost of the challenge of reducing the average temperature of the planet. The impact of the closure of the aforementioned plants amounts to 1.3 billion euros and 700 jobs, in addition to the damage caused to the transport sector. To the concept of ecological transition , Ribera always adds the qualification of just . This is also reflected in the spirit of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. Well, do it. So far, the Government has signed the retirement conditions in the mining basins, but has not been able to implement reinvestment plans that guarantee the viability of rural regions dependent on the energy sector. Eliminating the coal park is the first priority. The second should be to create green jobs. More than expected by the electric.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Un
  • Vox
  • European Union
  • Teruel
  • Teresa Ribera
  • Lion
  • Andorra
  • Almeria
  • economy
  • Drought
  • science
  • Columnists

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