Teller Report

Women are more likely to have panic attacks

10/4/2019, 10:05:53 PM

To answer this question, Dr. Manfred Buettel explained that panic attacks occur in danger situations and in the case of severe psychological tension, and are associated with some physical symptoms such as heart palpitations and sweating.

Some people experience panic attacks in certain situations.

To answer this question, Dr. Manfred Buitel explained that panic attacks occur in danger situations and in the case of severe psychological tension, and are associated with some physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, severe sweating, trembling and shortness of breath, often last for 10 minutes to 30 minutes, and in Rare cases may last longer than that.

He added that the German psychiatrist that panic attacks can affect anyone and at any age, pointing out that women are more likely to have panic attacks, which fall within the disorders of fear and anxiety. On how to cope with panic attacks, Boitel explained that one who suffers from panic attacks frequently should incorporate relaxation techniques into his daily life - yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, progressive muscle relaxation and self-stimulation. He cautioned against taking tranquilizers because they relieve symptoms in the short term, but they do not represent a radical solution to the problem.

If these measures do not work in the face of panic attacks, then you can resort to psychological treatment such as cognitive behavioral therapy, in which the patient faces the cause of fear and learn to fight it.