Teller Report

They managed to interpret a rune that no one else could interpret - now the Hassela students are being praised

10/4/2019, 6:13:04 PM

On Friday, five fifth-graders were awarded the Hassela Riksantikvarieämbetet's Merit Medal for being able to interpret a rune that no one else could interpret. Now the class has been enrolled in history.

For 20 years, teacher Anna Björk tried to read the runes written on a roof in Hassela without success. But when her fifth-grader took on the task, they succeeded in translating the run script which for decades was considered impossible to interpret.

Therefore, on Friday, they and Anna Björk were awarded the National Heritage Board's Merit Medal for their important work in the field of cultural conservation. SVT participated in the celebration in Hassela.

- It's good and pretty cool, says Lina Söderlund.

- I didn't think just a couple of runes would lead to us getting on TV and lots of stuff, says Klara Råbåm.

The run inscription was translated to: "the devil" and as if the discovery was not enough, the fifth classes were the youngest ever to be awarded the medals by the National Antiquities Office.