Teller Report

The world's first vagina museum opens its doors this fall

10/4/2019, 3:43:16 PM

It all started in 2017, when the British Florence Schechter learned about the existence of a Faloteca in Iceland that exhibits hundreds of penises of animals. He then looked for an equivalent

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It all started in 2017, when the British Florence Schechter learned about the existence of a Faloteca in Iceland that exhibits hundreds of penises of animals. He then looked for an equivalent in female genitals and when he discovered that it did not exist he got down to work.

Two and a half years later, and after traveling as a pop-up museum throughout the United Kingdom, the Vagina Museum or Museum of the Vagina opens its doors. The appointment is on November 16 and the place can not be more central: the popular London corner of Candem Market .

The new museum aims to break down stigmas and educate about vaginal health . His first temporary exhibition is called precisely the myths of the vagina and how to fight them .

The Vagina Museum opens this fall at Candem Market.NICOLE RIXON

Founder and director of the project, Schechter craves a world in which no one is ashamed of his body. "We would like to give people confidence to talk about issues related to gynecological anatomy," he says.

According to a study by the Eve Appeal research center, 65 percent of women between 16 and 25 years say they find it difficult to pronounce the words vagina or vulva. "This is a part of the body that we should celebrate," says Schechter. "The museum is a fantastic way to communicate the message that there is nothing shameful or offensive about the vagina."

Jasmine Evans and Florence Schechter.NICOLE RIXON

Many people seem to agree because Schechter has been able to open the museum after a successful crowdfunding campaign with which he has collected 50,000 pounds (about 56,000 euros). In addition to exhibitions, Vagina Museum will carry out activities for families and schools. It will also feature stand up comedians, movie passes and even a store full of merchandising .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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