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Prince Enrique sues two tabloids for "pricking" their phones

10/4/2019, 6:10:04 PM

The Duke of Sussex, Enrique, has filed a lawsuit against two British tabloids, The Sun and Daily Mirror, for allegedly accessing private telephone messages, according to inf

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The Dukes of Sssex, this Wednesday in Johannesburg. EFE

The Duke of Sussex, Enrique, has filed a lawsuit against two British tabloids, The Sun and Daily Mirror , for allegedly accessing private telephone messages , Buckingham Palace reported Friday.

An official spokesman said that a lawsuit has been filed in the Superior Court on behalf of Prince Harry , whose lawyers allege that these media resorted to "illegal" techniques to "intercept" messages left in the voicemail of mobile phones.

The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England already denounced two days ago the "relentless campaign" that a British press sector has undertaken against his wife, Meghan Markle, and confirmed that it has sued The Mail on Sunday for the publication of A private letter sent to his father.

The law firm Schillings, representing the duchess, has accused that Sunday tabloid of carrying out a campaign against the Duchess of Sussex full of humiliating lies and stories.

The prince explained the decision taken by Meghan with a tough letter addressed to the media, in which he alluded to the death of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, in a traffic accident in Paris in 1997 and stressed that he can now see that his wife is a victim of "the same powerful forces" of the press.

Enrique admitted that he felt the "deepest fear that history will repeat itself" .

Although Buckingham Palace has not given details in this regard, the BBC said the duke’s lawsuit could be related to a scandal of “punctures” on mobile phones dating back to the beginning of 2000.

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