Teller Report

Planet, constellations and stars in Arabic poems

10/4/2019, 6:43:22 PM

Sanaa Kouiti - Rabat

The Arab poet grew up in the middle of the desert, the sky was his roof and his guide stars and his planets idol, so I attended strongly in his poems where the poetry was the Arab Diwan and their pride and the mirror of their society.

The richness of Arabic poetry reflects the astronomical phenomena of accurate knowledge based on observation and experience.

The poets used their movement, stillness, colors, houses, distance, proximity, appearance, disappearance and other connotations in expressing their Khawalaj and their psychological conditions and portraying the meanings to convey them to the recipient in an eloquent and immune manner.

One of the verses of the blind poet Abu Ala Al-Maari (d. 1057 CE) is his famous epitaph of Abu Hamza al-Faqih, which indicates his good knowledge of planets and orbits.

Saturn Ashraf planets Dara .... from the meeting of the response on the date

And the fire of Mars from the events of Dah ... t matte though high in the burning

And the chandelier is hostage to the separation of nostalgia ... even to count in individuals

View of the sky of Rabat at sunset

Inspiring Heaven
On a literary scientific night in Rabat organized by the Fun Astronomy Initiative and the Media Library on the subject of astronomical phenomena and poetry, a crowd of poet and rhyme fans curiously curated about the relationship between two different worlds. .

Dr. Hassan Talbi, a professor of Arabic language and a doctor in linguistic criticism and also an astronomical activator, listed the verses of Arab poets whose vast sky with its charm and beauty and the cosmic phenomena were their source of inspiration and metaphor in the description, comparison, metaphor, metaphor and metaphor.

The Chairman of the Astronomy Initiative fun Abdul Hafiz Bani told Al Jazeera Net that they are trying to simplify science and attract people of their interests far from the world of astronomy, and highlight the relationship between worlds seemingly contradictory but in reality otherwise.

The volatility of the public and mostly young people between the beauty of poems and the aesthetics of the sky through the poems of Ibn Abu Rabia and Abu Tammam and Maari and Abu Znad and Ibn Bishr and Akhtal and Omaima bint Abdul Shams and other poets of ignorance and Islam.

The Arabs in general and the poets in particular had scientific knowledge in the local community, "it was natural to find a huge amount of astronomical phenomena and the names of stars, planets and constellations in Arabic poetry."

The poets of the Sahara are not alone in their poems. As the Islamic civilization expands beyond its first desert environment, the Arab poet has been associated with heaven because, according to the students, "is an emotional, thoughtful and contemplative subject," and because the poet "always looked up to his stars and shone with her moon." In his travels for trade, pilgrimage and science.

Hassan Talbi: Arabs in general and poets in particular possess scientific knowledge in circulation locally (Al Jazeera)

Poetry and astronomy
Poets borrowed from the code of astronomy vocabulary systems for poetry in praise of the kings and vilifying opponents and lament beloved and weeping case, said Omaima bint Abdul Shams laments of the killing of her people:

Dad Lilk does not go .... and assigned the party to the planet

And star without him horrors ... between Aquarius and Scorpio

The ignorant poet Najdi Bishr ibn Abi Hazim said:

I watch in the sky the coffin daughters

It took place as the kindness of the bracelet

It is intended that he stayed up all night until the coffin daughters darted at the end of the night, and the coffin daughters (major and minor) the name of a star group of seven stars representing four of the coffin, and the other three represent his daughters follow him, which is now known as the Big Bear and the smaller bear, Do not be absent unlike other stars, which is what the poets warn him.

Abu al-Ma'ari pointed out in his verses to the conjugation of planets, an astronomical phenomenon during which the planets approach each other, and the Arabs saw for each coupling the meaning and prophecy, they look at the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, for example, look optimistic and change the minimum and conditions:

Satisfaction of the purchaser of Saturn, please to awaken the headmistress of her hatred

And the wild calamities are gone astray.

And how many saw and the chandelier ... tribes and then became wealthy

People spent a generation after generation .... and the stars were left as they saw them.

The poet of the Abbasid era, Abu Tammam in his poem, which described the "Amorite battle", to the guilty astrologers were pessimistic of it, and advised the Caliph al-Mu'tasim not to fight the battle after his appearance, but ignored their opinion and appealed to his sword Vantzer:

The sword is the truest news from books in the limit between grandpa and play

Egg plates do not black sheets in their content evacuation doubt and suspicion

And the flag in the meteors of spears shiny among the Thursday and not in the seven meteors

They feared dark shrewdness if the western planet looked guilty

The upper towers became the order of what was upside down

Similar to the sky
A poet resembles the state of unity and division with the chandelier, a gathering of stars seen by the naked eye and the daughters of a coffin (the name of a seven-star star group).

We were at the Kalthria meeting

We became a coffin squad

The Andalusian historian and poet Ibn al-Abar al-Balansi describes the full moon at the moment of the eclipse.

I looked at the full moon at an eclipse and its beautiful landscape

As she traveled a page of love, he veiled it with darker burqa

He used the poet Ghazl Qurashi from the Umayyad era Omar bin Abi Rabia astronomy astounding employment in a poem organized by his beloved, who deserted him and married others said:

Dear muftah Thuraya Sohailk God how do they meet?

She is Shamiya if she resigned and Suhail if Yaman boarded

The chandelier that Ibn Abi Rabia is talking about is the woman he loved and married another man named Suhaila.The poet in this house is surprised at how she married her who does not suit her.It is similar to the unequal location of Al Thuraya, which is the star cluster in the north (Shamiya) and the star of Suhail and there is in the south ( Yaman).

The beauty, charm, mystery, and treasures of the sky have always been reflected in the creations of the Arab poets, Hassan al-Talbi says.Also, the poet's astronomical culture and knowledge, whether popular or scientific, have been clearly reflected in the poems he organized in spinning, lamenting, praising, spelling, meditation and reflection.