Teller Report

Jean-Paul Rouve: "To be with Michel Blanc is to laugh all the time"

10/4/2019, 3:49:04 PM

Guest of & quot; The Wild Team & quot; on Europe 1, & nbsp; Jean-Paul Rouve was pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from a friend and colleague: Michel Blanc.

Guest of "L'Equipée sauvage" on Europe 1, Jean-Paul Rouve had the good surprise to receive a call from a friend and colleague: Michel Blanc.


Surprise in L'Equipee Sauvage sur Europe 1. Matthieu Noël and the whole crew of the show had reserved a small gift to Jean-Paul Rouve, invited on the occasion of the release of the film Donne-moi des ailes , theatrically October 9th. By phone, actor Michel Blanc has indeed greeted his colleague and friend. The opportunity for them to evoke the friendship that binds them for many years.

"Respect and friendship," says Jean-Paul Rouve, "to be with Michel is to laugh all the time". "In this business, apart from the 'idiots' of the Splendid, I do not have many friends with whom I am as close as Jean-Paul," says his side Michel Blanc.

The two actors have been linked for many years. They played together ( Aladdin ) but were also the director of one and the actor of the other. "Jean-Paul is a treat when you're together on a set, whether you're a partner or a director and actor," says Michel Blanc. They were brought together for the last time on screen in 2018 in the comedy drama See you on dance , by Michel Blanc.