Teller Report

Houthi militias seek to dominate education in areas under their control

10/4/2019, 10:04:22 PM

The Houthi militias are racing against time to complete the dominance of the education sector in areas under their control, both administrative and educational, and began to acquire leadership positions, through which they brought the entire education sector under its control, and controlled teachers and distributed to schools, and separation and change

The Houthi militias are racing against time to complete the domination of the education sector in areas under their control, both administrative and educational, and began to acquire leadership positions, through which they brought the entire education sector under its control, and controlled teachers and distributed to schools, and separated and changed, while working to reproduce the experience of «Hezbollah» Lebanese in private education and private schools.

Since the Houthi militia overthrew and seized control of the capital Sana'a in 2014, Yahya al-Houthi (the elder brother of its leader) has taken over the leadership of the Ministry of Education and has been entrusted with poisoning the educational process, serving its long-term and long-term racist goals.

Yahya al-Houthi, known for his extremism and sectarian intolerance, who was on the list of internationally wanted terrorists, was able to destroy the Ministry of Education, emptying it of national educational cadres that do not belong to the militia or contractor, or who refuse to implement its agendas contrary to applicable regulations.

The most recent decision issued by Yahya al-Houthi, an official of the so-called `` educational section '' of the Houthi militias, was the end of September 2019, to dismiss the remaining administrators in the Ministry of Education's General Bureau and replace them with others from the militia's educational section.

Yahya al-Hinai, a media official at the Yemeni Teachers Syndicate, confirmed that Yahya al-Houthi issued a decree to dismiss 211 administrators from the Ministry of Education in Sana'a.This decision means that Houthi militias have replaced all administrative staff of the educational sector in areas under their control.

Al-Ennai said that the militias have already replaced all the directors of education offices in the governorates, in addition to all the directors of the regions and educational centers in the directorates under their control during the last period.

At the beginning of the 2019/2020 school year, Houthi militias launched the largest replacements of school principals and teachers against them.At the same time, they appointed 26 principals to run schools in the Hajjah governorate, while statistics from the Yemeni Network for Rights and Freedoms reported that the militias replaced 122 teachers. From August 25 to September 2, 2019.

In the same period, the militias excluded dozens of teachers, principals and staff in the education sector in various regions, including more than 30 educators in the Bani Harith district of the capital's secretariat, all replaced by elements, and most of them do not have qualifications, and have nothing to do with education, and their sole task is to spread Sectarian culture among students.

According to al-Na'abi al-Nina'i, the Houthi decisions to replace educational cadres come as part of systematic and accelerated steps to complete control of education, with the aim of transforming the fabric of Yemeni society for its benefit, which poses a threat to the future of Yemen and a threat to the national identity.

Al-Nina'i pointed out that the Houthi militias have gone a long way towards subjecting the entire educational process to the disposal of their militias, having put their hand on the educational administration, stressing that they have become close to the generalization of their experience in the province of Saada, which abolished the Office of Education as a government department, and turned it into a new section, He was attached to the militia structure called the “Educational Section”.

In 2014, the militias imposed a different curriculum on schools in Sa'ada governorate than the official curriculum, which went beyond local and national dimensions, and worked to replicate the experience of the Lebanese Hezbollah in private education and its private schools. In other areas under its control.

`` If the Houthi militias do not stop tampering with the educational process, education will become the most important cause of the continuation of the conflict in Yemen, and will have a long-term impact, profound effects on social changes, and will trap the future and prepare for future explosions and conflicts, '' he said.

- Alenai: If the Houthi militias do not stop

About tampering with the educational process

Education will become the most important cause of continuity

Conflict in Yemen.