Teller Report

Hate is free

10/4/2019, 1:05:29 AM

Hate crimes increase for reasons of sex or ideology and resentment is free in the streets and networks. Graffiti of the Transition against politicians have been his

Hate crimes increase for reasons of sex or ideology and resentment is free in the streets and networks. Graffiti from the Transition against politicians have been replaced by memes. The law of leaks, you take them out, are now internet rides. The hatred between territories and languages, instilled in the schools, the rhetoric scrap of the two Spains, make up a daily cyberbullying festival. The pimps go down with virtual vans to give bast at all hours, they insult you and come back at 10 minutes. Every day thousands of tweets are issued with defamations.

He writes in El País Juan José Mateo , that rookie deputies are trained to be prepared when they are crushed in filibusterism and hunting sessions to the adversary. Grudge is the way of relating in a nation that has a reputation for Cainita with some inhabitants who often hate themselves and their own country.

Politicians are insulted in Parliament, in debates, at rallies, but it is in networks where politics acquires a tabernacle, a manfiery or a courtyard of talent. In trolls there are no lifeguards, but real thugs. Politics, in false accounts, are called foxes, they are felons, and everyone who stands out for something, worse things. That national misanthropy is very intense. Anonymous, psycho, envious people practice that start from an unfortunate idea, and that thinking the worst of others, is always right. The blockade of the latest legislatures and endowments has more to do with dislike among people than with the clash of principles. Abhorment continues to poison policy in one of the countries that has been killed the most by it. Country poisoned by the tyranny that, as already said, hates the best, follows the ruin and votes with delectation to the disloyal. Worse what happens in other countries, such as in Colombia and other Latin American nations, where they kill the candidates who make their campaign on social networks. We are not the exception nor hate is a new product, but here it shines brighter. They say that Empédocles , Sicilian, rationalist and materialist, a disciple of Pythagoras , threw himself into the crater of the Etna volcano, after insisting on his theory that hate was the cause of decomposition. The postmodern, vegan philosopher said that he had been a boy and a girl, a bush and a bird, that he had inhabited the sea. It was 2,500 years ahead of those who discovered that we are here because a group of fish had a fin that could transform into the legs of some land creatures.

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