Teller Report

After Ukraine, Trump openly suggests China investigate Biden

10/4/2019, 6:40:04 AM

While he is being impeached, Donald Trump continues to provoke the Democrats by openly suggesting China investigate the Biden.

While he is being impeached, Donald Trump continues to provoke the Democrats by openly suggesting China investigate the Biden.

Donald Trump appeals to China.

There is a particular form of superstition, peculiar to politicians. In the field, they remake what has already succeeded. Donald Trump repeats with Joe Biden which allowed him to defeat Hillary the twisted.

With Joe Biden, he performs the same work of undermining: insinuations, indignation and provocations. Biden's weakness is his son Hunter, the only surviving sibling. He was alcoholic, drugged and fickle before becoming a very expensive financier in two highly corrupt countries that his father's vice-president introduced him to.

In Ukraine, he raises several million euros to make figuration on the supervisory board of an oligarch.

In China, he is participating in a $ 1.5 billion fundraiser. Another oligarch offered him a diamond of several carats to maintain mutually profitable friendship.

Nepotism is embarrassing. The obvious conflict of interest. Diamonds are not the best friends of politicians in the field.

Donald Trump pretends to call the Chinese government for help. He mobilizes his supporters by victimizing himself. The impeachment procedure becomes a rampant coup.