Teller Report

The Employment Service picks down parts of the criticized campaign

10/3/2019, 9:01:15 PM

The Employment Agency's campaign "Make space" received criticism for portraying the participants. Now parts of the campaign are being pulled down. "It should never have been done," writes Therese Lindgren, who appears in the campaign, in a post on Instagram.

The purpose of the Swedish Employment Service's "Make a place" was to get more people with functional variations in the labor market. The campaign shows several famous people whose heads are placed on other people's bodies. One of them is Therese Lindgren, whose face appears on Nathalie Eriksson's body along with the text "had she become a powerful influencer?". The picture has received sharp criticism and now it should be picked down.

- We did this in consultation with Therese and Natalie. It is regrettable to have had this negative experience of this. The discussion about the images has shifted focus from the campaign, which jokes are important, says Anders Munck, press secretary at the Employment Service, to STVT.

The authority will continue with the campaign but without the photo montage where Therese Lindgren and Natalie Eriksson participate.


Natalie Eriksson, who has a cp injury, was critical of the message in the pictures which she says sends out wrong signals since she herself has been an influencer since she was 14 years old. She also criticized photography.

"They did everything to aggravate my CP," she wrote in a post on Facebook.

Therese Lindgren now goes out and apologizes in a post on Instagram.

“My intentions when I agreed to participate were good, I wanted to do a good thing and contribute to positive change, I know that you all realize. Unfortunately, the result was quite the opposite, for several reasons that I understand today, ”she writes.