Teller Report

Marathon of interviews to incite the vote to Pedro Sánchez

10/3/2019, 7:16:04 PM

Pedro Sánchez joined this week in a long 40-day campaign, in which he will star in a daily event and boost his image with a very active presence in the media

Pedro Sánchez joined this week in a long 40-day campaign, in which he will star in a daily event and boost his image with a very active presence in the media. The president of the Government in office and candidate for reelection thus falls to the electoral arena, much earlier even than his rivals, despite the fact that the polls suggest that he will win the elections with sufficient solvency.

In the weeks before the generals of April 28, the socialist candidate has already developed an intense campaign of events. In fact, he took advantage of his presence in different parts of Spain as President of the Government to later offer a meeting. Now, since his return from New York last Sunday he has started this new electoral journey, this time, for now, only with party acts. On Monday he presented the motto of the campaign in Madrid , on Tuesday he was in Huesca and Zaragoza , on Wednesday in Valencia , on Thursday in Zafra (Badajoz) and in Cáceres and on Friday in Oviedo .

The novelty on this occasion is that it is being lavished in the media with an interview almost daily. From Monday La Razón , la Ser , Aragón TV , El Heraldo de Aragón and the digital Nius and El Confidencial . Moncloa thus seeks a greater degree of penetration of presidential messages and also a mobilization of the electorate for the 10-N. Public opinion did not expect a repeat election and the latest polls point to a tiredness with the political class that could result in the decision not to vote. At the moment, the polls reveal that there are more Spaniards who have not yet resolved whether they will go 10-N to their polling station than those who doubt whether to opt for one option or another. The abstentionists are more worried than the undecided ones, although in Moncloa they believe that the impact of the sentence of the process and the response that the Government should adopt will favor their electoral perspectives and will lead more people to vote.

But in the meantime the socialists have opted for the classic scheme of mobilization of the vote through the mobilization of the party and presence in the media to place the Spaniards in electoral mode. The PSOE also faces the unease that has caused in its own electorate that an agreement has not been reached with United We can and has chosen to return to the polls. This means that the first risk of increased abstention affects their own voters. The Socialists assume that the priority objective is to get them to vote again the same ones that supported them in April.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • United We Can
  • PSOE
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • General elections
  • Politics

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