Teller Report

Ivory Coast: Vice President of PDCI sentenced to 5 years in prison - RFI

10/3/2019, 10:40:04 PM

Jacques Mangoua was sentenced to 5 years in prison by the criminal court of Bouaké Thursday, October 3. The Vice President of the PDCI was prosecuted

By RFPosted on 04-10-2019Modified on 04-10-2019 at 00:28

Jacques Mangoua was sentenced to 5 years in prison by the criminal court of Bouaké Thursday, October 3. The vice president of the PDCI was prosecuted for illegal possession of ammunition.

From the morning of Thursday, the tension settles in Bouaké. About 100 protesters gathered in front of the courthouse of the regional capital of Gbêké, while others, unhappy, set up barricades on the road leading to Abidjan.

According to AFP, clashes with the police led to a death and a serious injury. The prefect of Bouaké, Maxime Mobio, confirms the death, but the circumstances are still unknown.

All day, the protesters demand the release of Jacques Mangoua . The president of the regional council and vice president of the PDCI, tried for illegal possession of ammunition, is finally sentenced to five years in prison, a fine of five million CFA francs, and five deprivation of his civil rights.

During the trial, the prosecutor of Bouaké, Braman Koné, found that the elected representative was unable to prove that he was not the owner of the 40 machetes and 991 munitions of war discovered on September 21 at his home. from N'Guessankro, his native village.

A light argument for Me Siméon Brou, one of the lawyers of Jacques Mangoua, who tells RFI that his client intends to appeal his conviction. For the entourage of the senior cadre of the PDCI, the plot seems obvious, because it is Mangoua himself who has warned the police, says one.

For its part, the prosecutor takes this case very seriously, because it was in this same area in the neighboring commune of Béoumi, that had broken out murderous violence between communities last May.

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