Teller Report

Italy does not rule out retaliatory measures on US trade duties

10/3/2019, 8:13:04 PM

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Mayo said that the introduction of US trade duties on goods from the European Union could entail similar measures on the part of EU countries.

"It is possible that the American decision could cause similar European measures against the United States, but we hope that neither the European Union nor the United States will start a war of trade duties that would weaken both sides," the statement said on the website of the Italian Foreign Ministry .

Di Mayo also called on both sides of the trade conflict for dialogue.

Earlier it was reported that the WTO allowed the United States to introduce retaliatory trade measures at $ 7.5 billion per year against the European Union due to subsidies from Airbus.

In this regard, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer announced on October 18 the introduction of new trade duties on aircraft, as well as agricultural and industrial products from the European Union.