Teller Report

Government to consider using digital technology for building exterior inspection | NHK News

10/3/2019, 7:46:10 PM

For the practical application of rapidly developing digital technology, the AI ​​is artificially used to inspect the outer walls of buildings and elevators that are supposed to be visually inspected.

Government to examine the use of digital technology for building wall inspection October 4: 04:42


For the practical application of rapidly developing digital technology, the government can use AI = artificial intelligence and sensors for inspection of building exterior walls and elevators, etc. We decided to consider deregulation.

The government's Future Investment Council decided on the 3rd to move forward with concrete examinations centered on the three fields of architecture, automobiles, and finance for the practical application of digital technology.

Of these, in the field of architecture, drones with infrared sensors are used or collected in surveys of building outer walls based on the Building Standards Act, which are to be visually observed, and inspections for deterioration of elevator ropes, etc. We are going to consider analyzing the data with AI.

In the automotive field, AI will constantly monitor the manufacturing process of factories and rationalize inspections, and in the financial field, analyzing transaction history and other data will help prevent money laundering by criminal organizations. It is a policy to look for.

In the future, the government will identify issues and problems to be realized through demonstration experiments, and proceed with studies on necessary legislation and relaxation of regulations.

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