Teller Report

France: Macron defends pension reform during debate in Rodez

10/3/2019, 11:19:10 PM

Emmanuel Macron launched the consultation on pension reform on Thursday (October 3rd), trying to persuade that the system he wants to put in place will be "fairer and more transparent".

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Emmanuel Macron in Rodez for a debate on pension reform, October 3, 2019. Eric Cabanis / Pool via REUTERS

Emmanuel Macron launched the consultation on pension reform on Thursday (October 3rd), trying to persuade that the system he wants to set up will be " fairer and more transparent ".

The president, standing in the middle of the audience, microphone in hand, has made the pedagogy of its pension reform , the major project of the second part of the five-year period. He explained that he had chosen a reform that would not " bring him back " during his five-year term. " It will be in 2025 and fully in 2040. If all goes well, we will not need to change, " he assured.

But for more than three hours, the 30 or so people who stood up to ask questions expressed doubts, mistrust and worries about the future. In front of Jean-Paul Delevoye, the silent High Commissioner for pensions , Emmanuel Macron wanted to take the time to "clear up misunderstandings " on his reform which aims to merge into a single point system the 42 existing regimes, on the horizon 2025.

Towards a " positive " system

" What is clear is that I want to go to a system that builds the future, that is to say, positive, " he explained. He promised that eventually no full pension will be less than 1,000 euros per month. He reiterated that the legal age of retirement remains at 62, while evoking the need to "define" a "pivotal age" during the current consultation. It is from this age only that one will be able to benefit from a full pension, without discount.

" We must not lie, we will have to contribute more, there is no magic solution " because of the demographic evolution and the lengthening of life, he warned the public, composed of readers of the three dailies of the La Dépêche group (La Dépêche, Center-Presse and Midi Libre).

Older people not concerned

Emmanuel Macron reminded that the reform will concern neither retirees nor over 56, these seniors who form a large part of the electorate of En Marche. And he tried to reassure the police, the bus drivers or the lawyers, as many professions who took to the streets to preserve the peculiarities of their statutes.

In a district of Rodez, dozens of people gathered for a "counter debate" at the call of several unions and left parties. While 400 to 500 employees at the Bosch plant in Rodez have expressed concern for the future of their site, according to the CGT.

Reflection on work

For Emmanuel Macron, this debate should launch a broader reflection on the "labor crisis" that France is experiencing. Because " there is today, how not to recognize it, a form of discomfort at work. Many people no longer understand the meaning of their work "(...) and" careers are managed like 20 years ago ".

At six months of municipal, his visit to a rural department also allows him to show his concern for territories. He will chained Friday with a visit to Clermont-Ferrand for the 100th anniversary of the newspaper La Montagne , where he will answer several hundred employees of the press group - a second big debate, in a way.

(With AFP)

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