Teller Report

Feijóo defends before the King the "centrality" and the "bridges" of consensus

10/3/2019, 8:13:09 PM

The Galician president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, took advantage of the opening ceremony of the Atlantic Forum of La Toja - a space for debate on the challenges of liberal democracy that I am looking for

The Galician president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, took advantage of the opening ceremony of the Atlantic Forum of La Toja - a space for debate on the challenges of liberal democracy that seeks to consolidate itself as the Spanish Davos - to claim the "centrality" and the "bridges" of understanding and basic consensus between the two great Spanish political forces, PSOE and PP. Although without mentioning them by its acronyms and without referring to the current political situation, Feijóo made it clear that Galicia is the model to follow in terms of building consensus bridges.

And he did it in front of the King, that the afternoon in which two years of his historic 3-O speech that had such an impact on the Catalan crisis was fulfilled, he was in charge of opening the Forum of La Toja with a speech in the which encouraged those present to reflect on the challenges of democracies such as the Spanish one. Felipe VI, who eluded any reference, however distant, to the Catalan crisis, pointed out that "the paradigms settled over the years have changed", and made a clear nod to the essential social cohesion that should mark the path of the Evolution of democracies.

"Now it is about preparing our societies to successfully face the new challenges, all of this always paying special attention to the ethical, political and social imperative that entails strengthening inclusive and cohesive societies where no one is left behind. Without the fulfillment of this premise, which is the basis of collective trust, no country can really progress ", all of this always paying special attention to the political and social ethical imperative that entails strengthening inclusive and cohesive societies where no one is left behind. Without fulfilling that premise, which is the basis of collective trust, no country can really progress. "The Monarch placed special emphasis on the importance of education for the future," technical, academic and professional education and training, humanistic and values ​​training. "He also defended the" great talent "of young people.

Between the King's speech, the interesting dialogue of Professor Steve Pinker and former Minister Josep Piqué , and the conference on the digital disruption of Telefónica's president, José María Álvarez-Pallete , the political speech of the first day of the La Toja Forum ran by the Galician president.

Although without mentioning them by its acronym, the leader of the regional barons of the PP drew in his speech a very clear allegory between the bridges of his Galicia and the bridges that should unite his party and the PSOE. "Political forces located in opposite trenches coincide in the basics, even if they resist recognizing it." The "basic", for Feijóo is the defense of the Constitution , the European project and the basic economic model. "There is a social and partisan centrality, a policy of" bridges "of which Galicia is the best example. Taking advantage of the Forum scenario, an island that is reached through a bridge that connects O Grove with La Toja , the Galician leader proclaimed: "Galicia is a country of bridges, both literally and allegorically."

It was not the only allegory of the intervention. He also referred to Franco's next exhumation to call for dialogue and understanding in a political context that travels the opposite way to the Feijóo bridges. "In addition to the symbolic vestiges of the dictatorship, it would be appropriate to ruin other deeper ones that are based on a supposed innate inability of the Spaniards to understand each other, a false inability that was denied in the transition, with transversal pacts in which there were no red lines not blue. "

It is "urgent," he added, "to refute" now "those reminiscences of the past that undermine the necessary consensus of the present." In the auditorium he was heard by relevant socialists such as former President Felipe González or former Minister Ramón Jáuregui .

The Forum of La Toja, with the personal impulse of the Galician businessman Amancio López Seijas , has gathered on the Galician island a very qualified group of personalities of the company, finances and public affairs consultancies. In addition to different prestigious personalities of the academic world. The main course of the Forum will undoubtedly be the talk that will be held today by former presidents Felipe González and Mariano Rajoy. A good opportunity to check live the theory of the "bridges" of the Galician president.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Galicia
  • PSOE
  • PP
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • José María Álvarez-Pallete
  • Philip VI
  • Felipe Gonzalez
  • Alberto Nunez Feijoo
  • Politics

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