Teller Report

Facebook launches email to share photos with closest friends

10/3/2019, 7:37:04 PM

Facebook launches email to share photos with closest friends

New York (AFP)

Facebook launched Thursday Threads, a messaging app dedicated to sharing photos and videos with close friends on a list set by each Instagram user.

This new service offered by the social networking giant is in direct competition with the Snapchat mail.

Threads is a full-fledged application, but it uses a list of "close friends" that it is possible since last year to create on Instagram, the network dedicated to images also belonging to Mark Zuckerberg's group.

"Threads is the fastest way to share a photo or video with your close friends on Instagram," said Instagram's product strategy director Robby Stein.

"Messages from your list of close friends will appear in both Threads and Direct (the internal email to the Instagram application, Editor's note) so that you can fully control how and with whom you want to interact," said Mr. Stein.

The user's phone camera automatically starts opening Threads to facilitate sharing photos or videos.

This feature is particularly popular with a young audience, adept at visual communication.

Threads also allows users to update their status to indicate the activity they are performing or the type of place they are in without giving the exact address.

Under the fire of the critics for several months for its use of the personal data of its members, Facebook assures to take seriously the questions of respect for the private life.

"Only your close friends will see your status and only if you decide to share it," says Stein.

Threads is available on all smartphones using software developed by Apple or Google (Android).

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